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the receipt of tax increment revenue, the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency shall continue to <br />exercise those powers. <br />(e) For the purposes of this part, the legislative body of the community with respect <br />to actions taken by the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency pursuant to the Joint <br />Redevelopment Plan shall mean the City Council of the City of San Leandro, and the legislative <br />body of the community with respect to actions taken by the Alameda County Redevelopment <br />Agency pursuant to the Joint Redevelopment Plan shall mean the Board of Supervisors of the <br />County of Alameda. <br />(f) No action taken in accordance with and in furtherance of this section shall affect <br />the calculation of tax increment revenue to be allocated pursuant to Section 33670 or Section <br />33676 in effect at the time of the adoption of the Joint Redevelopment Plan or the validity of any <br />agreement entered into by the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency with an affected taxing <br />entity pursuant to Section 33401 in effect at the time of execution of that agreement. <br />(g) The legislative body of the County of Alameda may amend, by ordinance, the <br />Joint Redevelopment Plan without any further action of the legislative body, redevelopment <br />agency, or planning commission of the City of San Leandro. Any amendment adopted pursuant <br />to this subdivision shall affect only property within that portion of the Joint Project Area within <br />the unincorporated territory of Alameda County and shall otherwise be processed in accordance <br />with the applicable procedures and requirements of this part for such an amendment. <br />(h) The legislative body for the City of San Leandro may amend, by ordinance, the <br />Joint Redevelopment Plan without any further action of the legislative body, redevelopment <br />agency, or planning commission of the County of Alameda. Any amendment adopted pursuant <br />to this subdivision shall affect only property within that portion of the Joint Project Area within <br />the City of San Leandro and shall otherwise be prepared and processed in accordance with the <br />applicable procedures and requirements of this part for such an amendment. <br />(i) So long as the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency is a Continuing Agency, <br />and regardless of whether the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency is a Continuing Agency or a <br />Dissolved Agency, the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency may continue to exercise <br />exclusively any of the powers granted under this part, including, but not limited to, the power of <br />eminent domain, within that portion of the Joint Project Area within the unincorporated territory <br />of the County of Alameda as authorized pursuant to subdivision (c), and for that purpose is <br />authorized, among other powers pursuant to this part: <br />(1) to receive -if u divisi(:-wi -( -I.) an allocation of <br />property taxes pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33670 with respect to the Joint Project Area <br />in the amount authorized by the Agreement to be received by the Alameda County <br />Redevelopment Agency; and <br />(2) to incur indebtedness and other obligations, including bonded <br />indebtedness, and to pledge the allocation of property taxes described in paragraph (1) for <br />payment of loans, moneys advanced to, and other indebtedness and obligations of the Alameda <br />County Redevelopment Agency, including bonded indebtedness, for purposes of financing the <br />redevelopment of the unincorporated portion of the Joint Project Area. <br />0) So long as the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency is a Continuing Agency, and <br />regardless of whether the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency is a Continuing Agency or a <br />Dissolved Agency, the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency may continue to exercise <br />exclusively any of the powers granted under this part, including, but not limited to, the power of <br />819\32 \1011477.2 with 1011477.1 <br />Redline - 1013517.1.DOC <br />3 <br />