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To: The Honorable Members of San Leandro's Civic and Cultural Committee <br />Thank you for kindly considering the formation of the "Citizens Patriot Support League" <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Ten years ago the American Legion Riders met with other veterans and legislators to explore the <br />establishment of a protocol for the community to effectively and efficiently recognize a fallen <br />veteran once he /she is returned to his/her city of residence. <br />It is with much appreciation that we jointly present the following proposal for the participation of <br />the City of San Leandro in a pilot program of the Citizens Patriot League. <br />GOAL: <br />CPSL is intended to be composed of businesses, individuals and non - profit organizations <br />identifying themselves as participating members of this emergency action group which will <br />commit: <br />l) To determine a collaboration that can determine assistance (not monetary resources) for the <br />family for the day of remembrance <br />2) To preparing a proclamation by the City of San Leandro for the veteran honoring him/her on <br />the service day <br />3) To create a POC (Point of Contact List) for all interested groups and contributors <br />4) To appoint one City and Veteran representative to work to provide the Family with guidance <br />and a 24/7 POC to assist as the Liaison between the groups involved and resources identified <br />5) To identify locations that will prioritize use of their location to host an event to commemorate <br />the veteran publicly: LEED, Marina Community Center, Linen Life Gallery?, etc. <br />6) To establish a protocol with elected officials so that within two days of the arrival of the fallen <br />veteran, a ceremony is efficiently established within a pre - identified location for the program and <br />participants prepared in advance <br />7) To work toward a plan to restore the current memorial park on Bancroft and Callen Ave's <br />Memorial marker to reflect any recent K1A from the City of San Leandro. <br />*Possible work on lighting and providing a Flag for the currently dark Flagless Memorial <br />to San Leandro's Fallen. <br />We thank you again for your kind consideration. <br />The Steering Committee of the Citizens Patriot League: <br />Luis Diaz, American Legion Riders State President <br />John Duarte, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post Commander <br />Dr. Jennifer Ong, Commissioner, Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women <br />Hermv Almonte, San Leandro School Board <br />Lerov Smith, Lions Club <br />