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Wayne Gregori and Mike Pretto had questions regarding storing large quantities of drinking <br />water and handling of human waste if sewer systems fail. Recommendations from the group <br />included considering camping toilets as an emergency supply for homes. Kathy Ornelas <br />promised to have information related to both of these items added to the City's Emergency <br />Preparedness web pages. <br />3. Sub -committee Report on Discussion Regarding Establishing Emergency Shelters at <br />School Sites <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that a meeting was held in May between City staff and <br />representatives of both School Districts. Emergency contact information has been shared <br />among the three agencies as a first link in establishing emergency shelters at schools. More <br />dialogue is needed with the American Red Cross (ARC) regarding agreements between the <br />ARC, the City and the Districts, and clarification of what facilities have been surveyed as <br />potential shelter sites. The group will meet again for more dialogue and planning. <br />4. Discussion from Members Regarding May "Operation Independence" Activities <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that, on May 24, 25 and 26, the Alameda County Public Health <br />Department and the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services/Homeland Security held <br />exercises and expositions for agencies wishing to participate. The scenario of the exercise <br />was that weaponized anthrax had been released in the Bay Area and local agencies were <br />tasked with working through how Points of Dispensing (PODS) would be established to <br />inoculate communities against anthrax infection. <br />The City's EOC held a tabletop exercise with this scenario, which proved to be valuable for <br />all participants in that this is an event with which the City has not had any experience <br />previously. Ana Marie Jones from CARD reported that she worked with agencies to test and <br />expand their social media networks. Cary Neaback from Alameda County OES reported that <br />their EOC was activated and communications systems tested. <br />On May 25, the Public Health Department held an exhibition at the Oakland Coliseum, <br />showing emergency tents and portable shelters they have in their inventory. Local agencies <br />will be able to procure use of the tents and shelters if the need arises. Staff from the City's <br />City Manager's Office, Public Works and Recreation and Human Services Departments were <br />able to see the tents and shelters in action. <br />On May 26, Public Health held a preparedness fair for communities. It was also held at the <br />Coliseum and was well attended <br />5. Committee Member Comments (Roundtable) <br />Ana -Marie Jones from CARD recommended a future agenda could include communicating <br />with the limited -English community, as well as collaborating with the Faith Community for <br />emergency response planning. <br />6. Public Comments <br />3 <br />