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RulesCommunications Highlights 2011 0725
City Clerk
City Council
Rules & Communications Committee
RulesCommunications Highlights 2011 0725
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7/20/2012 5:22:57 PM
Creation date
8/30/2011 3:20:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2011 0906
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situations unique to the food vendor not generally applicable to other persons in similar <br />circumstances. <br />(b) Prepared foods prepared and packaged outside of the City of San Leandro and <br />prepared foods prepared and packaged in the City of San Leandro for use outside of the City of <br />San Leandro are excluded from the provisions of this Article. Purveyors of food prepared and <br />packaged outside the City of San Leandro are encouraged to follow these provisions as it is the <br />City's stated policy goal to eliminate the use of polystyrene foam food service ware in all <br />possible applications. <br />(c) Retailers, wholesalers and suppliers of polystyrene fQa ware within the <br />City of San Leandro are excluded from the provisions of this cle. but are encouraged to <br />promote the sale, purchase, and use of compostable and re ble``' service ware options in <br />San Leandro as it is the City's stated policy goal to elimin _ e U V vstvrene foam food <br />service ware in all possible applications. <br />(d) Emergency supplies or services procu ant: Food vendors, Crt d Partments, City <br />facilities, and contractors shall be exempt fror ovisions of this Article, mituation <br />deemed by the City Manager to be an emergen ed'tate preservationbW public <br />peace, health or safety. ' <br />yr . <br />3 -8 -230 ENFORCEMENT A NALTIES.= <br />(a) The Public Works Services or the Direct signee, shall have the <br />primary responsibility for enforcement o e. If the Dire %` r his /her designee <br />determines that a violation of this Article h cc e /she shall a written warning <br />notice to the food vendo a violation has curred quenI vio xgM of the Article by a <br />food vendor shall be enforcement end pmt forth be. <br />(b) Any v on oft s icle that occur the is written warning to a <br />food vendor is slut an adm1 ative citatioli suant to `1 -12 -400 et seq. of the <br />San Leandro Municipal ±tide. <br />(c) M e qty ey may seek legal, injunctive, or any other relief to <br />DA �`�.This ordifiih hall take effect on <br />Ste' _ ON II. SEV EW ILI I`wr any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, <br />sentence cl -fir phrase oft dinanc its application to any person or circumstance, is <br />for any reason o be invalid enfo eable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not <br />affect the validity forceabilit the remaining sections, subsections, subdivisions, <br />paragraphs, sentence uses, or ases of this Ordinance, or its application to any other <br />person or circumstance. Cif ° ouncil of the City of San Leandro hereby declares that it <br />would have adopted each subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase <br />hereof, irrespective of the f ' "'that any one or more other sections, subsections, subdivisions, <br />paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof is declared invalid or unenforceable. <br />SECTION III. EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION. This ordinance shall take <br />effect thirty (30) days after adoption. The title thereof shall be published once and a complete <br />copy thereof shall be posted on the City Council Chamber bulletin board for five (5) days prior <br />to adoption. <br />
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