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RE: styrofoam <br />Allison Chan [allison] <br />Sent: Monday, July 25, 201111:41 AM <br />To: Prola, Jim <br />CC: Stephen Knight [sknight] <br />Hi Jim, <br />Thank you for the update. I'm sorry to hear that this discussion is not going particularly well. While we won't be able to <br />attend the meeting this afternoon, I wanted to share some talking pointsp that we use to address concerns about the impact <br />to businesses: <br />-- Regional consistency on policy is good for business. There are already several nearby jurisdictions in Alameda County <br />that have banned polystyrene foam food ware ( Hayward, Fremont, Alameda, Berkeley); having a patchwork of regulation <br />from one jurisdiction to the other is not business - friendly. <br />-- There are over 20 polystyrene food ware bans in effect in the Bay Area, which means that hundreds of businesses are <br />currently complying and using alternative food ware. <br />-- Customers do not Ilse polystyrene foam. The recent reports on health concerns associated with polystyrene products as <br />well as people's increased knowledge about how wasteful and polluting this product is has created a general distaste for <br />polystyrene among the public; we hear this from our supporters all the time. Customers want to support businesses that <br />are "green' and are making an effort to be more sustainable. <br />-- Business leaders reoently testified in Sacramento that the increase in alternative food ware is being driven by consumer <br />demand. <br />-- San Mateo County staff determined that for businesses who primarily use polystyrene foam food ware, complying with a <br />ban could cost as little as $150 per year. <br />-- Organizations such as Green Town Los Altos' compcetabie food ware co -op lowers the costs of alternative products <br />even further ( httg_ // /programs /waste /business- co -oo /) <br />-- Almost all existing ordinances have a hardship provision built in, and cities such as Millbrae have reported that very few <br />businesses have asked for hardship consideration. <br />-- The quality of alternative products has improved. <br />I hope you find this information helpful as the Rules Committee continues its discussion tonight. Please let me know if you <br />have any questions. <br />Thanks, <br />Alison <br />Allison Chan <br />Policy Associate, Save The Bay <br />510.452.9261 x118 I (cDsaveSFbay <br />Play BaB . the for the Bay I <br />