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NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Chapter 3 -8 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code is amended to read as follows: <br />Article 2. BAN ON POLYSTYRENE FOAM FO <br />3 -8 -200 TITLE. This Article shall be known as <br />Polystyrene Foam Food Service Ware" and may be so <br />3 -8 -205 PURPOSE AND INTENT. The <br />the City's natural environment, its economy, a <br />substituting polystyrene foam food service ware <br />ware at all food vendors, city departments, city i <br />sponsored events. <br />and 'intent of this <br />th of its residents <br />WARE <br />Ban on <br />is to protect <br />fors by <br />or recyclable f€ <br />contractors. and <br />3 -8 -210 DEFINITIONS. For these of this Artie following definitions shall <br />govern unless the context clearly requires l i"` <br />(a) "City" means the City of San L dr Y <br />(b) "City Depart e t" means any go a division o -� <br />(c) "City Face, any premises a lan e" operat y the City. <br />(d) "City - sored ' means any a that is by the City and any <br />M R <br />private activity vo anizers tarily requestny endorse or recognition from the <br />City that is unrelated to equir _ s ets for such art went under plicable law. <br />(e r " ostable" ins aft terials in the p ,iuct or package will break down into, or <br />1 of, e.g., soil -c being material, mulch) in a safe <br />anq ly manner S nt e co 614,,Atsed by the City's franchisee or by the <br />C? a Sanitary Di`' fran for inte waste management. <br />'Contractor" in ny in pal, group, or organization that has a contract with the <br />City for r improveme e pe r a franchisee, concession, for grant monies, <br />goods and s s, or supplies e donat to be purchased at City expense. <br />(g) 'T endor" me y est rshment located within the City of San Leandro, or <br />any establishmen h provide&I pared food or beverages within the City for public <br />consumption on or o iii, remise d includes, but is not limited to, any store, shop, sales <br />outlet, restaurant, bar, p ffe op, cafeteria, caterer, convenience store, liquor store, <br />grocery store, supermarke ; o 'tessen, mobile food preparation truck or vehicle, roadside <br />stand, or an other erson provides prepared food; and an individual group, Y p �' P p p y� � g p� or <br />organization which regularly provides food as part of its services. <br />(h) "Food Service Ware" means single -use disposable products used in the restaurant <br />and food service industry for serving or transporting prepared food and includes, but is not <br />limited to, plates, cups, bowls, trays, and hinged or lidded containers. This definition does not <br />include single -use straws, drink lids or utensils. <br />