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Contract No. <br />(1) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, <br />declared ineligible, or voluntary excluded by any federal <br />department or agency; <br />(2) Shall not knowingly enter into any covered transaction with a person <br />who is proposed for debarment under federal regulations, debarred, <br />suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from <br />participation in such transaction. <br />8. PAYMENT: For services performed in accordance with this Agreement, payment <br />shall be made to Contractor as provided in Exhibit B hereto. <br />9. TRAVEL EXPENSES: Contractor shall not be allowed or paid travel expenses <br />unless set forth in this Agreement. <br />10. TAXES: Payment of all applicable federal, state, and local taxes shall be the sole <br />responsibility of the Contractor. <br />11. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: Contractor hereby assigns to the County and <br />its assignees all copyright and other use rights in any and all proposals, plans, <br />specification, designs, drawings, sketches, renderings, models, reports and related <br />documents (including computerized or electronic copies) respecting in any way <br />the subject matter of this Agreement, whether prepared by the County, the <br />Contractor, the Contractor's sub - Contractors or third parties at the request of the <br />Contractor (collectively, "Documents and Materials "). This explicitly includes the <br />electronic copies of all above stated documentation. <br />Contractor also hereby assigns to the County and its assignees all copyright and <br />other use rights in any Documents and Materials including electronic copies stored <br />in Contractor's Information System, respecting in any way the subject matter of <br />this Agreement. <br />Contractor shall be permitted to retain copies, including reproducible copies and <br />computerized copies, of said Documents and Materials. Contractor agrees to take <br />such further steps as may be reasonably requested by County to implement the <br />aforesaid assignment. If for any reason said assignment is not effective, <br />Contractor hereby grants the County and any assignee of the County an express <br />royalty — free license to retain and use said Documents and Materials. The <br />County's rights under this paragraph shall apply regardless of the degree of <br />completion of the Documents and Materials and whether or not Contractor's <br />services as set forth in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement have been fully performed <br />or paid for. <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />