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Contract No. <br />In Contractor's contracts with other Contractors, Contractor shall expressly <br />obligate its Sub - Contractors to grant the County the aforesaid assignment and <br />license rights as to that Contractor's Documents and Materials. Contractor agrees <br />to defend, indemnify and hold the County harmless from any damage caused by a <br />failure of the Contractor to obtain such rights from its Contractors and /or Sub- <br />Contractors. <br />Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees which may be due for any <br />patented or copyrighted materials, methods or systems selected by the Contractor <br />and incorporated into the work as set forth in Exhibit "A ", and shall defend, <br />indemnify and hold the County harmless from any claims for infringement of <br />patent or copyright arising out of such selection. The County's rights under this <br />Paragraph 11 shall not extend to any computer software used to create such <br />Documents and Materials. <br />12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST; CONFIDENTIALITY: The Contractor covenants <br />that it presently has no interest, and shall not have any interest, direct or indirect, <br />which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required <br />under this Agreement. Without limitation, Contractor represents to and agrees <br />with the County that Contractor has no present, and will have no future, conflict of <br />interest between providing the County services hereunder and any other person or <br />entity (including but not limited to any federal or state wildlife, environmental or <br />regulatory agency) which has any interest adverse or potentially adverse to the <br />County, as determined in the reasonable judgment of the Board of Supervisors of <br />the County. <br />The Contractor agrees that any information, whether proprietary or not, made <br />known to or discovered by it during the performance of or in connection with this <br />Agreement for the County will be kept confidential and not be disclosed to any <br />other person. The Contractor agrees to immediately notify the County by notices <br />provided in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Agreement, if it is requested to <br />disclose any information made known to or discovered by it during the <br />performance of or in connection with this Agreement. These conflict of interest <br />and future service provisions and limitations shall remain fully effective five (5) <br />years after termination of services to the County hereunder. <br />13. NOTICES: All notices, requests, demands, or other communications under this <br />Agreement shall be in writing. Notices shall be given for all purposes as follows: <br />Personal delivery: When personally delivered to the recipient, notices are <br />effective on delivery. <br />First Class Mail: When mailed first class to the last address of the recipient <br />known to the party giving notice, notice is effective three (3) mail delivery days <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />