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Bancroft Avenue Street Rehabilitation, <br />Acceptance of Work 3 <br />Environmental Review <br />6, 2011 <br />Caltrans Local Assistance deemed the project a Categorical Exclusion under the National <br />Environmental Policy Act. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />A summary of the construction contract with O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc. is listed below: <br />Original Contract $550,737.93 <br />Change Orders $116,928.11 <br />Final Agreement of Quantities ($18,233.00) <br />Total Contract Amount $649,433.04 <br />Change order items included additional asphalt quantities, adjustment in asphalt pricing due to <br />oil price increases as allowed by the project specifications, and increased labor and equipment <br />charges due to working around shallow utilities. <br />Budget Authority <br />This project was fundo with: $308,115.00 of ARRA cost savings; $121,992.14 of Measure B <br />funds in Account No . 144 -38 -286, 144 -38 -308 and 144 -38 -296; $3,792.80 of Gas Tax funds in <br />Account No. 140 -3 334; $112,805.23 of Traffic Congestion Relief funds in Account 145 -38- <br />323; and $,194,7451 of General funds in Account No. 210 -38 -289. <br />James J: C}'Leary, <br />CONCLUSION <br />Finance Director <br />Staff recommends acceptance of the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and authorizing <br />the City Manager to release the maintenance bonds for the subject project upon successful <br />completion of the one -year maintenance period. <br />CC\ Council Items In Process \SEP 06 \Bancroft Ave St Rehab - ACCEPT\Bancroft Ave ACCEPT MEM.Docx <br />