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FY 2010-2011 CAPER -5- September 19, 2011 <br />♦ Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC) - San Leandro Shelter <br />The City funded BFWC with CDBG funds to provide supportive services to homeless families at <br />its emergency shelter, known as the San Leandro Shelter. BFWC provided emergency shelter <br />and support services, which included 10,362 nights, of which 567 beds were supported by the <br />City, and 31,086 meals for 232 San Leandro homeless women and children (154 women and 78 <br />children) in crisis. One hundred and forty-two (142) of these women received one-on-one case <br />management support services. Fifty-four (54) of the sixty-four (64) women, or 73%, who exited <br />after staying thirty (30) days or more, addressed two or more of the specific barriers they faced to <br />achieving safe and stable housing. Thirty-seven (37) of sixty-eight (68) women, or 54%, <br />departed the shelter with permanent housing. In addition, the shelter provided 110 referrals for <br />health care services, and eighty-four (84) support groups have been held addressing various <br />topics such as domestic violence, parenting skills, barriers to housing and basic life skills. <br />♦ Davis Street Family Resource Center (DSFRC) <br />The City also funded DSFRC with CDBG funds to provide supportive services to homeless <br />persons. DSFRC provided an array of basic services for 297 homeless people. Homeless <br />persons received various services, including three days' worth of groceries up to twice a month, <br />emergency clothing, and household items. DSFRC Family Advocates/Intake Specialists also <br />provide these clients with information and referral to DSFRC's other programs that include free <br />acute medical and dental care, childcare, employment counseling, housing assistance, and case <br />management services. <br />Priority: Increase and expand activities designed to prevent those currently housed from <br />becoming homeless. <br />♦ Rental Assistance Program <br />ECHO Housing's Rental Assistance Program (RAP) assists tenants with delinquent rent or <br />security deposit thereby increasing accessibility to long-term housing and preventing <br />homelessness. The program also provides extensive budget counseling that assists tenants <br />become more self-sufficient and independent. Funded with CDBG funds, RAP provided seven <br />(7) families with rental assistance (delinquent rent payments or move -in costs) in FY 2010-2011. <br />Of the 166 applicants prescreened for need and program eligibility, ECHO Housing prevented <br />two (2) households from being evicted, placed five (5) households into housing, referred 129 <br />clients to other resources, and provided budget/support counseling to 133 households. <br />♦ Tenant/Landlord Counseling <br />Using CDBG funds, the City contracted with ECHO Housing for tenant/landlord counseling <br />services to help maintain people in housing. Information and referral services were provided to <br />thirty (30) landlords and 253 tenant households. In FY 2010-2011, ECHO handled ninety (90) <br />cases related to eviction and succeeded in preventing five (5) households from being evicted. <br />Staff also assisted with sixty (60) landlord/tenant inquiries related to repairs, thirty-two (32) <br />cases regarding security deposits, four (4) instances involving rent increases, and ten (10) <br />occurrences of unlawful entry by a landlord. There were also eighty-two (82) miscellaneous <br />inquiries (e.g., information on rental contracts and unlawful detainers, providing general <br />information on tenant and landlord rights with referrals to attorneys, Eden Housing, Eviction <br />Defense, the Building Inspector, the Rental Assistance Program and Fair Housing Counseling, <br />Small Claims Court, and mediation services, etc.). ECHO staff, furthermore, assisted seventeen <br />(17) households with con ciliation/mediation services. Lastly, staff referred sixty-five (65) <br />households to small claims court and forty-five (45) households to other appropriate agencies. <br />