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Authorizing Pension Obligation Bonds <br />Indenture of Trust <br />September 19, 2011 <br />The bonds will be issued under an indenture of trust between the City and the trustee, U.S. Bank. <br />The final form of the indenture of trust will be approved by the City Council following the <br />conclusion of the validation proceedings. The indenture of trust provides for the authorization <br />and terms of the bonds, the deposit and application of the bond proceeds, the security of the <br />bonds and investment of the proceeds, the role of the trustee, and other provisions. <br />Other Refunding Source <br />In addition to issuance of the pension obligation bonds, staff is analyzing the opportunity to <br />utilize a loan from the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Fund reserves to partially cover <br />the side fund refinancing. Potentially, the amount of the bond financing could be reduced by up <br />to $6,000,000. A loan in this amount from the WPCP Fund potentially could be made at a lower <br />rate than dictated by the bond market and yet higher than the rate reflected by the City's current <br />investment portfolio return. Ultimately, the WPCP rate payers also would benefit from this <br />approach. <br />A combination of refunding the pension side fund through the pension obligation bond and a <br />loan from the WPCP Fund may result in the overall greatest benefit and savings to the General <br />Fund. Any additional savings from using a combination of an interfund loan and a public bond <br />issuance may be mitigated if taxable bond interest rates continue to fall, providing a more <br />favorable borrowing cost on the pension obligation bonds. Staff is continuing to evaluate the <br />feasibility of this approach. <br />Previous City Council Action <br />The City Council held a Work Session with a presentation by John Bartel of Bartel Associates <br />regarding the Ca1PERS Actuarial Issues — June 30, 2009 Issues. <br />City Council Committee Review and Actions <br />The City Council Finance Committee reviewed the option of refunding the Ca1PERS side fund <br />with pension obligation bonds at its meeting on May 6, 2011. The proposed resolution <br />authorizing the pension obligation bonds and filing the required validation actions was reviewed <br />on September 9, 2011. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The City's underwriter estimates that the City's pension obligation bonds could be sold at an all - <br />in interest rate, including the cost of issuance, of around 4.61 %. This results in a potential <br />reduction of over 3.0% in the interest rate paid by the City, a potential General Fund savings of <br />approximately $480,000 annually through 2024. Staff is also analyzing the opportunity to utilize <br />a loan from the Water Pollution Control Plant Fund reserves to partially cover the side fund <br />refinancing. <br />