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increases and sets a public hearing to receive protests to the proposed change. The resolution <br />also sets the minimum 45 day protest period to run from October 5, 2011 to November 21, 2011. <br />The resolution also sets November 21, 2011, 7 p.m. (or as soon thereafter) at San Leandro City <br />Hall as the date, time and location of the public hearing to receive written protests. Parcel <br />owners upon whom the proposed change in purpose would be imposed may submit their written <br />protests by mail to the City Clerk until 5 p.m. November 21, 2011 or deliver them at the public <br />hearing. The City Council will also take public comment on the proposed change in purpose <br />during the public hearing. The City Council would then close the public hearing, allow the City <br />Clerk to tally the protests, and declare whether a majority protest exists. <br />If a majority protest is presented, then the City Council cannot change the original purpose and <br />use of the previously approved rate increases until a new Prop. 218 notice for such rates is sent <br />and the procedures detailed above redone. If a majority protest is not presented, then the City <br />Council has the discretion to change the purpose of the approved rate increases to cover the costs <br />rate payers incur when they have to reconnect their private sewer laterals when the City relocates <br />or constructs a new City maintained sewer main. If this occurs, then staff will present for City <br />Council approval a resolution to re- purpose the previously approved sewer /wastewater treatment <br />rates (which will also assure that the original purpose of the increases to the sewer and <br />wastewater rates continue to be fully funded), an ordinance to amend the Municipal Code to <br />reflect the new policy, and a resolution to amend the City's Administrative Code to implement <br />the new program. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The City Council approved a series of rate increases to fund continued maintenance and <br />operations, as well as seismic repairs and comprehensive modernization of the wastewater <br />treatment facility. This action will not change that policy; staff believes that the proposed <br />program can be implemented within the framework of the previously approved rate increases <br />without jeopardizing funding for the continued maintenance and operations, repairs and <br />modernization of the wastewater treatment facility. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />On December 3, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007 -147, the City Council approved an agreement <br />with Municipal Financial Services to provide a sewer rate study. <br />On April 19, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -042, the City Council authorized the City Manager or <br />his designee to mail the required notice of proposed sewer and wastewater treatment rate <br />increases and notice of public hearing in accordance with the requirements of Proposition 218. <br />On June 21, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -069, the City Council adopted wastewater discharge <br />rates as published in the Notice of Proposed Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Rates for fiscal <br />years 2010 -11 through 2014 -15. <br />On September 7, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -112, the City Council awarded the construction <br />of the 2009 Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project. <br />On December 20, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -156, the City Council approved Administrative <br />Code Title 8, Chapter 11. <br />