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On June 20, 2011 by Minute Order No. 2011 -077, the City Council directed staff to pursue <br />Option 2 to have Publicly Owned Treatment Works fund lateral relocations, and to move <br />forward with the pipeline work, in the limited circumstance where sewer mains are rendered <br />inoperable; with Option 1 being implemented in the interim, prior to the Proposition 218 <br />procedure. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />The proposed Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 11 was presented at the Facilities and <br />Transportation Committee on November 9, 2010. <br />The implementation process in the Administrative Code was presented at the Facilities and <br />Transportation Committee on February 8, 2011. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />N/A <br />Permits and /or Variances Granted <br />N/A <br />Environmental Review <br />N/A <br />Code Compliance Review <br />N/A <br />Board /Commission Findings <br />N/A <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Public Notice will be mailed in accordance with the requirements of Prop. 218 to all parcel <br />owners affected by the proposed change in purpose of a portion of the previously approved rate <br />increases. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The cost analysis assumed that up to one -half of the five hundred identified properties with <br />possible structures on top of backyard mains would require private sewer lateral relocation <br />within the next ten years, with a total cost of up to $4,000,000. <br />Budget Authority <br />Any necessary expenditures would be appropriated from the Water Pollution Control Enterprise <br />Fund. <br />Attachments <br />Notice of Proposed Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Rate Repurpose and Public Hearing <br />