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♦ First -Time Homebuyer Program (FTHB) <br />During this past fiscal year, the City approved ten (10) loans under the FTHB down <br />payment/closing cost assistance program. The City outsources administration of the first time <br />homebuyer (FTHB) and inclusionary housing/below market rate ownership (IH/BMR) programs <br />to the nonprofit Bay Area Home Buyer Agency (BARBA). Of the ten (10) loans, seven (7) were <br />for low-income and three (3) for moderate -income first-time homebuyers. The City's FTHB <br />Program is funded solely with Redevelopment Housing Set -Aside Funds. <br />In FY 2010-2011, BAHBA conducted two (2) City -sponsored and free first-time homebuyer <br />education seminars. BAHBA awarded forty-three (43) Certificates oft vipletion to households <br />attending the seminars. Through BAHBA the City provided X ee on6-on-one homebuyer <br />counseling to twenty-five (25) low to moderate income househof whom are San Leandro <br />residents and/or employed in the City.' <br />♦ Inclusionary Housing Program„ . <br />There were no new below market rate ownership umt#rivately developed orLL� nder the City's <br />Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance in FY 2010-2011 dx arily teethe ongoing slotin the for - <br />sale housing market. 0 <br />Obiective: Create Suitable Living Environm <br />Priority # 4. Reduce housing di <br />Activities: <br />♦ Eden Council for Hg xQpportunity� using (ECHO Housing) <br />The City continued tontract ECHO Housing, a regional non-profit fair housing agency, <br />to provide fair hou , ices Jig CDBG funds. ECHO Housing received fifteen (15) fair <br />housing inquiries. ThECHfTousing educates people about fair housing <br />laws, rights, andrespons bi a <br />._ <br />O Housari �yided'ib tion, counseling, and/or investigation in fifteen (15) fair <br />,sing inquiries , llegati'' housing discrimination involving twenty (20) clients. <br />�r <br />s number ECWpousin provided counseling and investigative services in twelve <br />(12) cases involving twenty-three (23) clients. With some cases reporting more than one <br />type o *criminati* the allegations accounted for the following: four (4) cases <br />involved disability, three (3) involved familial status (children in the family), five (5) <br />involved race. Below were the outcomes: <br />■ Three (3) cases are pending; <br />■ One (1) case had a "other" disposition; <br />■ Five (5) cases have insufficient evidence; <br />■ One (1) case was mediated by ECHO Housing; and <br />■ Two (2) cases were conciliated by ECHO Housing. <br />0 ECHO's fair housing counselors conducted sixteen (16) fair housing training sessions: <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2010-2011 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 7 <br />