10.B. Ordinance No. 2011 -011 an Ordinance of the City of San Leandro Amending Chapter
<br />3 -8 of the San Leandro Municipal Code to Prohibit the Use of Polystyrene Foam Food
<br />Service Ware by All Food Vendors, City Departments, and City Contractors, and at City -
<br />Sponsored Events (prohibits the use of polystyrene foam food service ware, effective
<br />November 1, 2012). Passed to print.
<br />Public Comments on Item 10.B.:
<br />Mike Miraglia, Miraglia Catering, addressed the City Council, citing problems with the
<br />proposed ordinance, and urging the Council's rejection. Mr. Miraglia suggested that the
<br />Council lead by example and disallow the use of polystyrene foam food service ware at
<br />City events.
<br />Cheryl Miraglia, Miraglia Catering, addressed the City Council, providing a handout to
<br />the Council, which listed several problems with the ordinance. Ms. Miraglia proposed
<br />that the City begin by banning polystyrene foam at City venues and City events, provide
<br />an adequate budget for outreach, and work with StopWaste.org and ACI to meet its
<br />waste diversion goals.
<br />Miriam Gordon, Clean Water Action, addressed the City Council, expressing support
<br />for the ordinance, and providing the Council with a handout listing cost comparisons
<br />between polystyrene foam and non -foam alternative products.
<br />David Johnson, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, addressed the City Council,
<br />expressing concern that the proposed ordinance targets small businesses, which are
<br />least able to afford to comply, and does not address the larger problem of major
<br />retailers. Mr. Johnson commented that compliance with the proposed ordinance should
<br />be voluntary.
<br />Walden Smith, East Hills 4 -H Club, addressed the City Council, commenting on the
<br />health dangers of polystyrene foam, and requesting that the Council pass the ordinance.
<br />Carrie Spector, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing
<br />support for the ordinance, and urging the Council to pass it.
<br />Sarah Marxer, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that
<br />she participated in the Coastal Cleanup this past weekend, and encountered
<br />polystyrene foam litter. Ms. Marxer urged the Council to adopt the ordinance.
<br />Don Franke, Sierra Club member and San Leandro resident, addressed the City
<br />Council, urging the Council to pass the ordinance, and expressing hope that
<br />supermarkets would replace polystyrene foam trays with a recyclable alternative.
<br />Jack Boreczky, East Hills 4 -H Club, addressed the City Council, expressing support
<br />for the ordinance, and commenting that "being green" would help restaurants gain
<br />business.
<br />Mario Juarez, Sierra Club, addressed the City Council, expressing support for the
<br />ordinance.
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