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A. Resolution No. 2011 -172 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager or Her <br />Designee to Mail a Notice of the Proposed Change in Purpose of Previously <br />Approved Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Rate Increases; to Set the Minimum <br />45 -Day Protest Period; and to Set the Date, Time and Location for a Public <br />Hearing to Receive Written Protests to the Proposed Change in Purpose of <br />Previously Approved Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Rate Increases to Fund <br />Reimbursement to Rate Payers of the Costs to Reconnect Private Sewer Laterals <br />When the City Determines that It Is in the Best Interests of the Public Health and <br />Safety to Construct or Reconfigure City Sewer Mains, in Accordance with the <br />Requirements of Proposition 218 (provides background, procedures and timeline <br />for mailing out a notice of proposed change in purpose of sewer and wastewater <br />treatment rate increases and a notice of a public hearing to affected parcel <br />owners). <br />M /S /C Reed and Cutter. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />B. PASS TO PRINT: An Ordinance of the City of San Leandro Amending Chapter 3 -8 <br />of the San Leandro Municipal Code to Prohibit the Use of Polystyrene Foam Food <br />Service Ware by All Food Vendors, City Departments, and City Contractors, and at <br />City- Sponsored Events (prohibits the use of polystyrene foam food service ware, <br />effective November 1, 2012). (Taken at the end of Item 3.A, with concurrence <br />of the City Council.) <br />C. Matter of Review and Discussion Regarding Draft City Council District Maps <br />(reviews the two proposed district maps relating to the 2011 Council redistricting). <br />1. Minute Order No. 2011 -085 Motion Approving the Draft Council District Map <br />with Population Variance Within ±4% for Presentation at the Two Upcoming <br />Community Meetings in October. <br />The City Council approved the draft Council District map with population <br />variance within ±4% for presentation at the two upcoming community <br />meetings in October. <br />M /S /C Reed and Starosciak. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />D. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br />No reportable action taken. <br />E. City Council Discussion and Determination of City Position on Six Resolutions of <br />the League of California Cities to Be Voted on at the 2011 Annual Business <br />Meeting (provides voting directions to the City's voting delegate and alternates as <br />designated by Resolution No. 2011 -140). <br />11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br />City Councilmembers discussed the calendar of upcoming events and coordinated <br />attendance. <br />