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DRAFT MINUTESPage 4 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting--10/3/2011 <br /> <br />9.ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />8.B.2.Business and Housing Development Committee Meeting of September 8, 2011. <br />Accepted as submitted. <br />MOTION: Motion Making No Changes to the City’s Existing Policies Regarding Urban <br />Farming at this Time <br />Public Comments on Item 8.B.2.: <br />Janet Palma, San Leandro resident, <br /> distributeda handout to the Council and spoke <br />regarding the risk of salmonella from chickens. <br />Kristine Konrad, San Leandroresident <br />,requestedthat the Council consider this item. <br />Ms. Conrad commented that her children are involved in 4-H and are learning the <br />importance of urban farming for sustainability. <br />Mika Lacabe, San Leandroresident <br />,commented in support of allowing the keeping of <br />beesand chickens,and suggestedregulation could be as simple aslimitingthe number <br />of animals allowed. <br />Vince Rosato, San Leandroresident <br />,commented on abuse by irresponsible animal <br />owners, and the public health issues involved with keeping chickens. <br />Gayle Hudson, San Leandroresident <br />,commented on the benefits of urban farming, <br />and disputed the arguments against raising chickens. Ms. Hudson provided a handout <br />on San LeandroUrban Farming, a group which is advocatingchanging the ordinance to <br />allow keeping chickens and bees. <br />Scott Terry, San Leandroresident <br />, commented that heis a beekeeper, and urged the <br />Council to allow beekeeping in the City limits. <br />Amy Chovnick, San Leandro resident <br />, continued Scott Terry’s comments, requesting <br />that the Council consider allowing bees as other surrounding cities do. <br />Mia Ousley, San Leandroresident <br />, commented that urban farming has allowed her to <br />supplement her family’s dietduring difficult economic times. <br />AnaSofia Abate, San Leandroresident <br />,in a letter read by her mother, Mia Ousley, <br />commented that chickens pose no threats, and asked the Council to allow them. <br />Aaron Bukofzer, San Leandroresident <br />, commented that many other cities allow <br />keeping of chickens and bees, and requested that the Council consider changing the <br />ordinance that now bans them. <br /> <br />