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City Requested Enhancements for Oro Loma's L -3 A_ rea <br />(in order of priority) <br />1. Provide up to two (2) 64- gallon recycling carts for weekly collection to residents; <br />2. Provide unlimited yard trimmings /food scraps collection to residents; <br />3. Offer 96- gallons of recycling and 96- gallons of organics to commercial customers for <br />weekly pickup, with cost to be included in garbage rate; <br />4. Provide the City with quarterly report data for the L -3 area to include customer counts by <br />container size, garbage, recycling, organics tonnage data by sector, bulky goods pickup <br />counts and tons, used oil /filer collection data and other data similar to what ACI currently <br />provides; <br />5. Sort through and recover materials from bulky goods collection ( -30% recovery); <br />6. Distribute outreach to customers regarding new and existing services available; <br />7. Provide curbside household battery collection; <br />S. Provide free garbage, recycling and green waste services to public schools within the L -3 <br />area <br />9. Franchisee - provided commercial recycling staff (20 -hrs per week) to conduct outreach in <br />the L -3 area; and <br />10. Change cart colors to grey for garbage and blue for recycling. <br />July 13, 2011 <br />