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j <br /> deemed the creation of an additional kitchen and therefore creation of an <br /> additional dwelling unit. Specifically, bedrooms or any room other than the <br /> designated kitchen in the home on the property shall not have any other kitchen <br /> and shall not be acknowledged as a separate dwelling unit at the subject property. <br /> II. <br /> CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br /> • A. Construction activity shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and shall 'cease by <br /> 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and construction activity shall not commence <br /> prior to 8:00 a.m. and shall cease by 7:00 p.m: on Sunday and Saturday. No such <br /> construction is permitted on Federal holidays. As provided in this City of San <br /> Leandro's Noise Ordinance (ORDINANCE NO. 2003 — 005), "construction" <br /> shall mean any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration, <br /> demolition or similar action, for or on any private property, public or private <br /> right -of -way, - streets, structures, utilities, facilities, or other similar property. <br /> Construction activities carried on in violation of this Article may be enforced as <br /> provided in Section 4 -11 -1130, and may also be enforced by issuance of a stop • <br /> work order and /or revocation of any or all permits issued for such construction <br /> activity. <br /> • B. During construction the following high standards for sanitation are required: <br /> Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on a <br /> minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, <br /> and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and shall be regularly <br /> removed from the site. At no time shall debris remain on site unattended within <br /> the front yard setback of the property. Inspections will be conducted as part of the <br /> regular construction compliance, to ensure compliance of the Applicant and <br /> contractors with this requirement. <br /> C. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety hazards for adjacent <br /> residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto Kenilworth <br /> Avenue from the project site during construction. Standard construction dust <br /> control procedures, such as wetting, daily roadwashing and other maintenance <br /> functions to control emissions, shall be implemented at all times during outdoor <br /> construction. Dust generating activities such as excavation, paving etc., shall be <br /> scheduled in the morning and other hours when wind speeds are low. All <br /> construction contracts shall include the following requirements: 1) unpaved <br /> construction sites shall be sprinkled with water at least twice per day; 2) trucks <br /> hauling construction materials shall be covered with tarpaulins or other effective <br /> covers; 3) streets surrounding demolition and construction sites shall be swept at <br /> least once per day; and 4) paving and planting shall be done as soon as possible. <br /> City shall charge developer, and developer, for all costs of sweeping city <br /> streets in the vicinity of the project as necessary to control dust and spillage. <br /> D. Construction workers on the project shall be provided a Port -O -Potty as a <br /> minimum sanitary facility for use during all phases of construction. Said Port-0- <br /> Potty shall be placed in a location approved by the Zoning Enforcement Official <br /> prior to start of construction and screened from view of the street.. <br /> Agreement to Conditions March 1, 2011 <br /> PLN2011 -00003 Page 4 of 5 <br />