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CERT Basic Training <br />T FEMA <br />Types of Di saster <br />• Natural <br />• Technological <br />• Intentional <br />HMA L e <br />4 <br />a. <br />x <br />G Course <br />• Identify roles and responsibilities for <br />CERT community efforts <br />• Describe functions of CERTs <br />• Undertake personal and organizational <br />preparedness actions <br />• Become part of the solution, not part of <br />the problem <br />. °'. FE LA CERT B. —T—W 1-A 19� <br />S etting the S #age: tiut f e' Ir - <br />I. Disaster Preparedness <br />II. Fire Safety and Hazardous Materials <br />III. Disaster Medical Operations /Triage <br />IV. Light Search and Rescue <br />V. CERT Organization <br />VI. Disaster Psychology <br />VII. CERT and Terrorism <br />A MA CERT Bask T,&,irg 1-3 <br />The Trained Public <br />• Learn about community alerts, warnings, <br />and evacuation routes <br />• Take additional training <br />• Practice skills and personal plans <br />• Network and help others <br />• Give feedback to community <br />• Report suspicious activity <br />• Volunteer <br />' <br />FEMA CERT Bamk —r T g 1 -5 <br />9ii <br />i7 <br />1 <br />