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File Number: 11 -302 <br />Outside Presenters: None <br />Public present: None <br />The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Street Pavement Rehabilitation Issues <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Street Pavement <br />Rehabilitation Issues. He discussed San Leandro street facts, current conditions of <br />streets, preliminary street selection process and creating the final list of streets <br />requiring rehabilitation. Ken explained the goals of the street selection process, <br />alternatives and funding. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Souza asked how much in grants has been secured and how the <br />grant reserve is divided. Ken explained that approximately $1 million has been <br />received annually in the past years and stated that funding is project specific. Grant <br />money is focused on arterial / collector rehabilitation streets based on high traffic <br />volume. For 2011 -2012 $587,000 will be allocated from Measure B Streets and <br />Roads funds to the East 14th /Hesperian Boulevard /150th Avenue Triangle project. <br />Total funding for 2011 -2012 is $2,587,200. Councilmember Cutter asked if it will be <br />announced which streets will be paved. Ken stated that a list will be compiled by the <br />end of November. Prep work will begin in March 2012. Uche Udemezue stated that <br />staff wanted to present this information today so that Council understands how this <br />process works and how the list is developed, and Councilmembers can share the <br />information with constituents. <br />Councilmember Cutter asked if ambulance traffic is taken into account on a street. <br />Uche explained that the overall philosophy is to move as many cars as possible <br />through safe streets. Public safety issues add more credence to objectives. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Kaiser Project <br />Nick Thom gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Kaiser Project. He <br />explained the off -site improvements that are currently in progress. At present, staff is <br />working with Kaiser to minimize the impacts to traffic at the intersection of Fairway <br />and Merced. Kaiser has put a concrete divider up on the frontage of Fairway and <br />pushed the traffic to the south side of Fairway. Kaiser is preparing to widen roads <br />and is preparing streets for underground utilities. Staff is working closely with Kaiser <br />on the traffic issues and adjusts traffic signal timing to optimize traffic flow and get <br />cars through as quickly as possible. Impacts are winding down for the year. Utilities <br />companies will be coming in for short term projects. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Souza suggested that staff explore making a dedicated right turn lane <br />on Merced at Republic during construction periods. She stated that it may alleviate <br />traffic waiting to get to Fairway to make a right turn and eliminate back up. Nick <br />stated that staff will explore that option. Councilmember Souza stated that she <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/1/2011 <br />