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File Number: 11 -302 <br />its parking restrictions. There is less parking available for buildings near Lewelling <br />and it is hard to rent them out. Alameda County is going to adjust the restrictions to <br />allow for more parking. She asked if that will affect the TOD. Keith explained that <br />staff is seeing that in some downtown projects as well. As long as City zoning states <br />that a certain parking rate is desired, most of the funding agencies will allow it. <br />Councilmember Souza commended staff on finding funding for projects. <br />6. Project Updates / Discussion <br />Committee members reviewed the Project Updates summary. Staff responded to <br />questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Souza asked about the progress of the Par Course. Austine Osakwe <br />stated that the project is on schedule for paving work. There will be a delay with the <br />exercise equipment, which will arrive early next year. The path will be open once <br />paving is completed and equipment will be installed when it arrives. <br />Councilmember Cutter asked about the San Leandro BART / Streetscape project. <br />She stated that she is concerned that BART is doing its improvements to the station <br />and the City is doing improvements to the streetscape. She asked how BART's <br />improvements will affect what the City is doing. Austine stated that staff with meet <br />with BART to discuss coordination and make adjustments as necessary. <br />Councilmember Cutter stated that she would like to see the pedestrian waiting area <br />fixed if BART is not going to have the entrance on San Leandro Boulevard anymore. <br />She is concerned about heavier traffic in the area and hopes that BART will take that <br />into consideration. Councilmember Souza stated that the streetscape project is going <br />to proceed due to funding even if BART isn't committed to its improvement projects. <br />Uche stated that the City will proceed, as grant funding is in place. <br />Councilmember Souza asked if the completion date for the Estudillo -Callan garage is <br />Fall 2012. Uche stated that staff is hoping to finish it early, but the scheduled <br />completion is Fall 2012. <br />7. Public Comments <br />10=9 " <br />8. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Cutter would like to discuss adjusting the days and times of the <br />Facilities Committee Meeting. Councilmember Souza said that there will be <br />discussion at the beginning of next year. <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 11/1/2011 <br />