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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: October 21, 2011 <br />TO: Finance Committee <br />FROM: Lianne Marshall, Interim City Manager <br />BY: Jim O'Leary, Interim Finance Director <br />SUBJECT: City Council Reserve Policy and General Fund Reserves as of June 30, 2011 <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Finance Committee review and approve transfers from the General <br />Fund fund balance and include these transfers in the mid -year budget amendment resolution to <br />be approved by the City Council. The transfer to the Self Insurance Fund was approved by the <br />City Manager to facilitate the preparation of the City's 2010 -11 financial statements. This <br />transfer should be confirmed by the City Council. An additional transfer to the Economic <br />Uncertainty reserve from General Fund fund balance is recommended by staff. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Finance Committee reviewed the 2010 -11 Budget Review and Budget Amendment at its <br />meeting on September 9, 2011. The report confirmed that the 2010 -11 year -end forecast for the <br />General Fund reflected a significant improvement over the adopted budget, largely due to an <br />increase in projected revenues. Revised projections reflected an operating (revenue over <br />expenditures) increase of $2,356,200. The adopted budget had shown an operating deficit of <br />($3,079,000). As a result of this improvement in the revenue and expenditure balance, the <br />General Fund fund balance was similarly improved to about $4,000,000. <br />The attached worksheet shows reserve funds totaling $12,723,000 for General Fund reserve <br />designations and $308,000 for Self Insurance reserves. The Major Emergencies reserve totals <br />$5,000,000, a consistent amount since 2007 -08. The Economic Uncertainty reserve amounted to <br />$10,033,000 in 2007 -08 and has declined over the past three years to the current amount of <br />$3,796,500. The Major Emergencies and the Economic Uncertainty reserves are currently 13% <br />of the General Fund operating expenditures. <br />The City Council initially established a philosophy for financial reserve funds over twenty years <br />ago. In 1989 -90, the City Council adopted a series of financial values that were utilized to <br />develop the budget. The Financial Goals Statement identifies and formalizes the financial <br />principles by which the organization is guided. The Statement provides direction for preparing <br />annual budget strategies and budgets and for conducting the day -to -day and long -term municipal <br />affairs. <br />