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Quarterly Financial Report as of September 30, 2011 <br />October 21, 2011 <br />The budget was approved with the operating revenues and expenditures in balance, without the <br />use of reserves or one -time revenues, for the first time since 2007 -08. Revenue data from only a <br />fiscal year's first quarter is not a clear indicator for year -end actual revenue. Total revenue for <br />the first quarter of 2011 -12 was 10% of the budget, slightly higher than the percentage at the <br />same time last year. Receipts from a number of revenue sources, including property tax, sales <br />tax, interest earnings, and planning and building permit fees, historically correlate with changes <br />in regional and state economic conditions. <br />General Fund Revenue <br />• Property Tax (3% of budget compared to 4% in 2010 -11) —The current year's budget for <br />property tax revenue is $100,000 greater than budgeted in 2010 -11. The first payment of <br />property tax from the secured roll by Alameda County will occur about December 15, 2011. <br />• Sales Tax (7% of budget compared to 7% in 2010 -11) —The current year's budget for sales tax <br />revenue is $5,260,000 more than budgeted in the 2010 -11. Anticipated revenue from approval of <br />Measure Z represents $3,800,000 of the increase. First quarter revenue earned in the prior year <br />amounts to $419,000. The state has delayed payments for August and September, with the <br />August payment in the amount of $900,000 received in October. <br />• Utility Users Tax (10% of budget compared to 15% in 2010 -11)— Revenue lower in 2011 -12 <br />with the delay in payment by PG &E on Augusts' receipts. A total payment of $451,700 was <br />received after September 30, 2011. <br />• Property Transfer Tax (12% of budget compared to 16% in 2010 -11) —This quarter's revenue <br />has dropped $98,300 compared to 2010 -11. An equal number of months covered in the two <br />years, with an apparent decline in the valuation of property transfers reported by Alameda County <br />in 2011 -12. <br />• Charges for Services (43% of budget compared to 27% in 2010 -11)— Charges for services <br />higher in 2011 -12 based on payments from Kaiser Hospital for fire review and inspection fees. <br />Also, the reimbursement for Police service fees by the Nike store are reflected in 2011 -12 but not <br />in 2010 -11. <br />• Licenses & Permits (58% of budget compared to 19% in 2010 -11)— License & Permits <br />revenues reflect Kaiser Hospital permit fees of $500,000 in 2011 -12. Additional high <br />value building permits were issued for the Water Pollution Control Plant project and for <br />work at the transfer station by Waste Management. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br />• Police (25% of budget compared to 25% in 2010 -11) —The current year's Police expenditure <br />budget is $781,000 greater than budgeted in 2010 -11. First quarter expenditures include charges <br />of $80,000 related to the Nike store and Century Theaters not included in the first quarter of <br />2010 -11. <br />Redevelopment Agency <br />The Agency's 2011 -12 operating budget appropriates revenues of $8,406,700 and expenditures <br />of $7,740,000 for the three project areas. The Low/Moderate Income Housing budget projects <br />revenues at $2,648,700 and expenditures at $1,665,400. The first payment of tax increment from <br />