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Each of the parties to this Agreement will designate individuals to be trained to represent their agency in <br />the Operational Area Emergency Management Organization. The training will be an orientation on the <br />policies and procedures of the Operational Area Emergency Management Organization. Each party to <br />this Agreement will also designate, in writing, a line of succession of officials who are empowered to <br />represent the party to the Operational Area Emergency Management Organization. <br />2. CONSIDERATION <br />The consideration under this Agreement is the mutual advantage of protection afforded to each of the <br />parties to this Agreement. There shall not be any monetary compensation required from any to another <br />party as a condition of assistance provided under the agreement, except for reimbursement of direct costs <br />as designated in mutual aid agreements. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as altering any pre- <br />existing disaster response agreements between the parties. <br />3. STANDARDIZED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <br />The Operational Area Emergency Management Organization and its policies and procedures will be <br />regulated by the Standardized Emergency Management System as stated in California Government Code <br />X58607, and its implementing regulations, California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 2, Office of <br />Emergency Services, Standardized Emergency Management System, and guidelines. The incident <br />command system and a multi - agency coordination system, as described in those regulations and <br />guidelines, will be used for coordination and direction of the parties to this agreement participating in <br />emergency efforts. The Alameda County Emergency Operations Plan shall be the primary method and <br />criteria used to conduct Operational Area Emergency Operations Center activities. <br />4. OPERATIONAL AREA COORDINATOR <br />The Sheriff/Director of Emergency Services is the Operational Area Coordinator. It is the responsibility <br />of the Operational Area Coordinator to oversee the operation of the Operational Area Emergency <br />Management Organization and to reasonably interpret the terms of this agreement. <br />It is the responsibility of the Operational Area Coordinator to encourage equal representation by parties to <br />the agreement on a day - today basis and to include representatives of affected parties to this agreement <br />and mutual aid coordinators in the operational decision making before, during, and after a disaster strikes <br />Alameda County. <br />5. COUNCIL <br />An Operational Area Council is hereby established consisting of a representational membership of the <br />party jurisdictions to this Agreement. The Council shall include one voting representative from each of <br />the following: <br />a. The President of the Board of Supervisors, or his/her designee; <br />b. The Sheriff/Director of Emergency Services, or his/her designated alternate; <br />The Alameda County Administrator, or his/her designated alternate; <br />d. The County Agency Heads having primary functional responsibilities in a disaster, or <br />their designated alternates; <br />Alameda County Operational Area Agreement page 2 <br />