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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 8 ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION <br />Chapter 11 FiHnHeiHg Reimbursement of Sewer Lateral RecEonnections to City <br />Sewerage System <br />0.11.300 LOWER SEWER LATERAL CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITY <br />TRANSFER. A property owner or User shall have 45 days from the date of the notice in <br />§8.11.200 to: <br />(a) Enter into an agreement with the City whereby the City and property owner or User agree <br />to cooperate to locate the property's private sewer facilities; and upon identification of <br />such facilities, <br />(b) Enter into a written agreement with the City by which the property owner, upon <br />completion of construction of the new lower lateral by the City, will assume <br />responsibility for the operation, maintenance and repair of the lower lateral. Upon <br />execution of the agreement, the City shall construct a new lower lateral from the <br />sewerage system to the property line. <br />8.11.350 LOWER SEWER LATERAL FAILURE TO COOPERATE. In the event <br />that a property owner does not execute an agreement with the City pursuant to §8.11.300 within <br />45 days of the notice, City shall not construct a lower lateral to the property line. Failure to <br />execute an agreement described in §8.11300 shall be prima facie evidence that a property owner <br />or User rejects the City's offer to construct the lower lateral eannee4an to the Mai sewer -age lif e <br />and to reilvbur.w the User or promi•ty owner fot' am) costsv related to the construction of the <br />upper lateral. <br />$8.11.400 UPPER LATERAL CONSTRUCTION. The property owner or User shall be <br />responsible for the construction of the upper lateral as defined in §8.11.100. Property owner or <br />User shall be responsible for obtaining and payir all permits and fees associated with <br />constructing � private sewer facilities. <br />0.11.450 PRIVATE SEWER LINE FINANCING AT! -'TAT!'' REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM. <br />b <br />b <br />b <br />b b <br />b b <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Engineering & Transportation Chapter 8.11 <br />'2�2T -, x'0 11/21/2011 Page 2 <br />