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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 8 ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION <br />Chapter 11 Finaneing Reimbursement of Sewer Lateral RecGonnections to City <br />Sewerage System <br />45 days prior to performing anv work on the upper lateral for which the property owner or User <br />requests reimbursement, the property owner or User shall submit to the City a minimum of three <br />(3) written proposals prepared by contractors licensed to perform such work. Within 45 days of <br />receiving final building permit inspection approval, the User or property owner shall submit <br />written receipts for the work performed and a copy of the final approved building, <br />If during the course of the work site conditions require additional work, the property owner or <br />User will submit a request for additional authorization detailing the need for the additional work <br />and a copy of the cost change proposal from the contractor. Approval of the additional work is <br />at the sole discretion of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />The City will reimburse costs the User or property owner incurs up to the limit of the lowest <br />submitted proposal, including buildiW permit fees and any approved additional authorizations <br />within 30 days of User or property owner submitting all required documentation. <br />0.11.500 REFUSAL TO COOPERATE. In the event a property owner fails or refuses to <br />connect to the alternate sewerage system, the City will provide additional written notice of the <br />proposed abandonment 270 days and 365 days from the date of the initial notification. After the <br />date of the final notice the City may proceed to take any and all actions to abandon the original <br />sewer line. Property owner or User assumes the risks, and shall hold the City harmless from any <br />damages or claims associated with its failure to connect private sewer facilities to the alternate <br />sewerage system. <br />Legislative History: <br />Resolution No. 2010 -156, 12/20/2010 [§ §8.11.100 - 8.11.500] <br />1732821.1 <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Engineering & Transportation Chapter 8.11 <br />12,L20, 11 /21/2011 Page 3 <br />