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File Number: 11 -306 <br />theft. <br />'8.1� 2.110 INITIATION PROCESS Requesting the installation of bicycle racks within the <br />City -owned right -of -way and not on private properties may be initiated by City staff, property <br />owners and residents. Requests are on a first -come, first - served basis. <br />'8.1� 2.115 DESIGN AND PLAN CRITERIA Bicycle racks shall be installed in the City -owned <br />right -of -way based on following criteria: <br />(a) Minimum sidewalk width shall be 10 feet <br />(b) Minimum clearance to the face of curb shall be 3.5 feet <br />(c) Bicycle racks shall be at least 4 feet from trees, meters, benches, and other street <br />furniture <br />(d) Bicycle racks shall be located within 50 feet of a main entrance <br />(e) An aisle at least 5 feet wide behind all bicycle racks shall be maintained <br />(f) Bicycle racks shall have a stable frame <br />(g) Bicycles shall be lockable at bicycle racks <br />(h) Bicycle racks shall not cover water mains or utility vaults <br />(i) Bicycle racks shall not create a tripping hazard <br />(j) Bicycle racks shall not be a potential hazard to children <br />X8.12.120 RACKS INSTALLED BY CITY The City Bicycle Rack Program installs City <br />standard inverted "U" bicycle racks in the City -owned right -of -way on a first -come, first - <br />served basis. If the request is from a third party, approval from the property owner is <br />required. The City will own and maintain standard bike racks. The City may remove or <br />relocate any installed bicycle rack if it is not being kept within the Design and Plan Criteria in <br />§8.12.110. <br />'8.1� 2.125 RACKS INSTALLED BY PROPERTY OWNERS Property owners and citizens <br />shall file an encroachment permit to install non -City standard bicycle racks in the public <br />right -of -way. <br />(a) City shall review and approve plans for fabrication and installation <br />(b) Property owners shall obtain an initial encroachment permit for installation and annual <br />encroachment permits thereafter <br />(c) Property owners shall purchase and install approved bicycle racks <br />(d) City shall inspect installed bicycle racks annually <br />(e) Property owners shall own and maintain bicycle racks and continue to assume general <br />liability and name the City as additionally insured on the property owner's insurance <br />(f) Fees for the initial and annual encroachment permits and inspections shall be waived <br />(g) If the property owner fails to maintain the bicycle rack or submit annually liability <br />insurance indicating the City as additionally insured, then the property owner would be <br />deemed to be in violation of his encroachment permit and the remedies as described <br />in the San Leandro Municipal Code shall be applicable <br />(h) The City may revoke annual encroachment permits and may demand that property <br />owners remove or relocate any installed bicycle rack if it is not being kept within the <br />Design and Plan Criteria in §8.12.110 <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/15/2011 <br />