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10A Action 2011 1121
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 1121
10A Action 2011 1121
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11/15/2011 5:42:36 PM
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11/15/2011 5:42:01 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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File Number: 11 -333 <br />require Alameda County businesses that generate four cubic yards or more of solid waste <br />per week and all multifamily properties, to segregate recyclable materials starting July 1, <br />2012 (Phase 1) and would require all Alameda County multifamily properties and <br />businesses, regardless of the amount of solid waste they generate, to segregate recyclables <br />and organic materials starting July 1, 2014 (Phase 2). Waste generators that self -haul <br />materials to Alameda County landfills or transfer stations would also be subject to the <br />ordinance. Landfill and transfer stations would be required to check loads and assess a fee <br />on self - haulers that do not properly sort material. According to a preliminary draft of the <br />Mandatory Recycling Ordinance, StopWaste.Org staff will lead enforcement with some City <br />assistance. Enforcement action will be taken only if approved by the chief executive of each <br />covered jurisdiction. <br />Waste generators may apply to the StopWaste.Org Enforcement Official for waivers if they <br />cannot comply with the ordinance. Possible waivers include: <br />• Emergency - emergency situations deem recycling infeasible; <br />• De Minimus - generator produces less than 10% recyclables; <br />• Physical space - generator does not have adequate space on -site for recycling bins; <br />• Financial Hardship - generator must pay an additional 30% or more for recycling <br />services; <br />• Unavailable Service - generator cannot obtain recycling collection services; or <br />• Compliance Schedule - generator needs additional time to become compliant. <br />The City must comply with the State's forthcoming recycling regulations in Assembly Bill 341, <br />even if the proposed ordinance is not adopted by StopWaste.Org. AB 341 requires a <br />business that generates more than four cubic yards of solid waste per week, or is a <br />multifamily property of five units or more to arrange for a basic level of recycling service, on <br />and after July 1, 2012. Local agencies are required to conduct outreach, monitor <br />compliance and notify businesses that are out -of- compliance. The law authorizes, but does <br />not require, local enforcement provisions. <br />Analysis <br />Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinance <br />Staff supports the Single Use Bag Ordinance as a countywide strategy for significantly <br />reducing negative environmental impacts caused by bag litter and the disposal of plastic <br />bags in landfills. The proposed ordinance should reduce litter in the City's creeks, streets, <br />storm drains, and shoreline. It may reduce the cost of litter control and address disposal <br />issues. Supporting a Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinance will help the City meet the <br />requirements of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit for trash load reductions in storm <br />sewers and catch basins. <br />Customers who do not bring their own reusable bags to stores may be inconvenienced and <br />impacted by the fee for paper or reusable bags. The impact would be greatest for <br />low- income residents and seniors on fixed incomes. <br />The ordinance is limited to stores that sell packaged food, so plastic bags will still be <br />available for use and distributed by food establishments and other retailers. Affected stores <br />should see cost savings from purchasing fewer bags and from receiving the 10 cent fee on <br />paper bags or reusable bags. The use of paper bags could increase substantially once the <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 11/15/2011 <br />
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