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File Number: 11 -333 <br />to exclude its service area from Phase 1 of the ordinance prior to March 2, 2012, and prior to <br />January 1, 2014 for Phase 2. Any jurisdiction that chooses to exclude its service area from <br />either Phase 1 or Phase 2, may request to be re- included at a later time. <br />Staff supports Phase 1 of the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance as an effective means of <br />achieving new diversion and complying with forthcoming state requirements, but has <br />concerns with the feasibility and costs associated with implementing Phase 2. Staff <br />recommends supporting the adoption of the ordinance and re- evaluating the feasibility of <br />Phase 2 at a later time. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Action 27.01 -A: Source Reduction and Recycling Programs. <br />Environmental Review <br />StopWaste.Org has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to consider the <br />environmental impacts of the Single Use Bag and Mandatory Recycling ordinances. The <br />EIR was designed to identify environmental impacts in a maximum impact scenario. There <br />were no significant impacts identified with a Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinance. The only <br />significant environmental impact identified for a Mandatory Recycling Ordinance was the <br />potential for increased nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) in the San Joaquin Valley due to <br />additional organic materials transported into the area for processing. The EIR will be <br />certified by the ACWMA Board on December 14, 2011. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />A Mandatory Recycling Ordinance may result in a revenue shortfall for the City of San <br />Leandro. If staff assumes that the affected front -end loader bin customers will save 10% by <br />reducing garbage service and adding recycling service, preliminary estimates suggest a <br />$20,000 annual loss in the City's franchise fee revenues. Losses in franchise fees from the <br />Oro Loma L -3 area would be less than $20,000, but are impossible to project at this time. <br />Additional losses may be realized if industrial debris box customers migrate from solid waste <br />to recycling service. Potential losses in franchise fee revenues by implementing Phase 2 are <br />unknown at this time, but are assumed to increase substantially if customer rates are not <br />adjusted. <br />Attachments <br />• StopWaste.Org Draft Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinance <br />• StopWaste.Org Draft Mandatory Recycling Ordinance <br />PREPARED BY: Liz Jimenez, Solid Waste & Recycling Specialist, Public Works <br />Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 11/15/2011 <br />