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Attachment 1 DRAFT <br />member agencies. <br />(h) Numerous studies have documented the prevalence of plastic carry -out bags <br />littering the environment, blocking storm drains and fouling beaches. <br />(i) Plastic bags are a substantial source of marine debris. <br />(j) Plastic bags cause operational problems at County landfills and transfer stations <br />and contribute to litter countywide. <br />(k) The Authority has participated in a campaign with The Bay Area Recycling <br />Outreach Coalition to promote reusable bags countywide for several years. <br />Despite these efforts, plastic bags comprise 9.6% of litter collected during coastal <br />cleanup days (based on 2008 data) in Alameda County. Additionally, plastic bags <br />continue to cause processing equipment problems at County transfer stations. <br />(1) There are several alternatives to single -use carry -out bags readily available. <br />(m) Studies document that banning single use plastic bags and charging for single use <br />paper bags will dramatically reduce the single use of both types of bags. <br />(n) <br />he Authority prepared, considere an& ied the Mandatory Recycling and <br />Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinaries En ental Impact Report, which <br />considered two separate projects an cl d ronmental review required <br />by the California Environmental Qua Act for th dinance. <br />� <br />SECTION 3 (Definitions) <br />The definitions set forth in this Section shall govern the application and interpretation of <br />this ordinance. <br />(a) "Alameda County" means all ofthe territory located within the incorporated and <br />unincorporated areas of Alameda County. <br />(b) "Authority" means the Alameda County Waste Management Authority created by <br />the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for Waste Management QPA). <br />(c) "Authority Representative" means any agent of the Authority designated by the <br />Enforcement Official to implement this Ordinance, including Member Agency <br />employees, or private contractors hired for purposes of monitoring and <br />enforcement. <br />(d) "Covered Jurisdiction" means a Member Agency of the JPA that has not opted out <br />of coverage under this Ordinance pursuant to Section 9 of this Ordinance. <br />T <br />(e) "Customer" means any Person obtaining goods from a Store. <br />