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10A Action 2011 1121
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 1121
10A Action 2011 1121
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11/15/2011 5:42:36 PM
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11/15/2011 5:42:01 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Attachment 1 DRAFT <br />(f) "Enforcement Official" means the Executive Director of the Authority or his or <br />her authorized designee. <br />(g) "Executive Director" means the individual appointed by the Authority Board to <br />act as head of staff and perform those duties specified by the Authority Rules of <br />Procedure and by the Board. <br />(h) "Member Agency" means a party to the JPA. Current member agencies are the <br />County of Alameda, the Cities of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Dublin, <br />Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, <br />Pleasanton, San Leandro, Union City, and the Castro Valley and Oro Loma <br />Sanitary Districts. The service areas of each Member Agency for the purpose of <br />Section 9 of this Ordinance are: <br />(1) The legal boundaries of each of the Castro Valley and Oro Loma <br />Sanitary Districts. <br />(2) The legal boundaries of each of the 14 incorporated municipalities <br />within Alameda County, except those portions of the.Cities of Hayward <br />and San Leandro that ate, within the boundaries of the Oro Loma Sanitary <br />District. <br />(3) The unincorporated sections of the County not included within the <br />above. <br />(i) "Nonprofit Charitable Reuse Organization" means a charitable organization <br />recognized as having Section 501 (c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, <br />or a distinct operating unit or division of the charitable organization, that reuses and <br />recycles donated goods or materials and receives more than fifty percent (50 %) of <br />its revenues from the handling and sale of those donated goods or materials. <br />L <br />(j) "Person" means an individual, firm, public or private corporation, limited liability <br />company, partnership, industry or'any other entity whatsoever. <br />(k) "Postconsumer recycled material" means a material that would otherwise be <br />destined for solid waste disposal, having completed its intended end use and <br />product life cycle. Postconsumer recycled material does not include materials and <br />byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original <br />manufacturing and fabrication process. <br />(1) "Primary Enforcement Representative" is the chief executive of a Covered <br />Jurisdiction or a qualified designee who will coordinate with the Authority <br />regarding implementation of the Ordinance. A qualified designee shall have at <br />least two years of municipal code enforcement experience or have undergone at <br />least the level one municipal code compliance training program of the California <br />Association of Code Enforcement Officers, or equivalent training program <br />approved by the Enforcement Official. <br />
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