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Date <br /> FINAL REPORT FORM 1 <br /> (Formerly titled "Project Monitoring Form 1 - Ridesharing ") <br /> For Ridesharing; ShuttleNanpool; Carpool/Transit Information; <br /> Rail -Bus Integration; and Smart Growth Projects <br /> TFCA Project # Initial TFCA $ Awarded: $ <br /> Total TFCA $ Awarded: $ <br /> Total TFCA Funds Expended: $ <br /> Total Project Cost: $ <br /> Project Sponsor: <br /> Project Title: <br /> Contact: <br /> Phone: E -mail: <br /> Initial Project Start Date: Project Completion Date: <br /> Program Manager to Complete: Final Cost - Effectiveness Value: $ /ton (weighted) <br /> Complete the section(s) that applies to the type of project implemented. Use additional sheets as needed. <br /> 1. Project Description: Provide a brief description of the project implemented. Include all applicable information <br /> if the scope of the project changed in any way since it was originally approved. <br /> 2. Monitoring Methodology: Describe the methodology used to obtain the project data entered in Section 3 <br /> and explain any assumptions made to generate data. Information provided in the final report should be based <br /> on project outcomes as documented through collected data (surveys, counts, etc). If a survey was performed, <br /> provide the date of the survey, a copy of the survey form, and summary data. <br /> 2A. Shuttle Projects: Shuttle projects are to provide the following information: <br /> 1) Attach a route map, including service stops and schedule information. <br /> 2) A user /ridership survey for the routes and or services listed in Appendix A of the Agreement is required. The <br /> survey needs to provide the following information: <br /> a) Total commute distance for participants (from home /start to destination, including the shuttle trip); <br /> b) Distance traveled by participants to access the shuttle service; <br /> c) By what mode the shuttle service is accessed (driving alone, carpooling, biking, etc); and <br /> d) Whether the participant, prior to using the shuttle service, made the same trip by driving a single <br /> occupancy vehicle. <br /> Final Report Form 1 - Revised September 2011 Page <br />