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Office of Business DevelopmentOngoing Projects and Priorities <br />Project Priority Schedule <br />Broadband Strategy - Assess current availability of broadband options for businesses High Strategy to be completed in spring 2012. <br />and develop list of priority improvements and tools the City can use to facilitate Subsequent implementationt tasks to be indentified. <br />implementation of those improvements. Targeted assistance for local businesses could <br />continue for several years. <br />Chamber of Commerce Partnerships - Partner with Chamber on San Leandro by High Ongoing. <br />Design events, participate in committee meetings and events, support industrial <br />programs. <br />Downtown Farmers' Market - Administration of contract with PCFMA for seasonal High Ongoing, active March - October annually. <br />Farmers' Market, event marketing, staffing and coordination with Downtown <br />Association. <br />Downtown Parking Garage - Design and construction of a 380 space parking garage High Construction to be completed in Spring 2012. <br />with 2,000 sq. ft. office condo and plaza improvements. Staff oversees RDA Parking management and Chamber offices likely to <br />expenditures, selection of design details, parking management, and coordinates require several additional months of involvement. <br />construction of the office with Chamber. <br />General Marketing & Outreach - Continual production of monthly CD Update report High Ongoing. <br />and emails, Downtown San Leandro Quarterly Update, dissemination of news items <br />related to SL businesses, press releases, and web updates. <br />Kaiser Retail Development - Coordination with Kaiser and retail developers to High Ongoing, timing driven by market. <br />explore options for development of a regional retail center. <br />Lit San Leandro - Marketing of Lit San Leandro fiber optic loop, in partnership with High Identifying opportunity sites near the fiber loop and <br />SL Dark Fiber, to retain and attract businesses. potential funding for extending the loop to public <br />facilities and schools. Ongoing marketing could <br />continue for several years. <br />Marina Blvd. Specific Plan - Develop land use plan and strategic vision for the High On hold pending Supreme Court decision on <br />corridor linking the Kaiser development to the Shoreline. Redevelopment. Prioritization to be impacted by <br />availability of funding. <br />Marketing Properties in San Leandro - Maintain data on available properties and High Ongoing. <br />outreach to prospective companies, retailers, and real estate brokers through direct <br />communication, production of flyers and web marketing. <br />C: \Granicus \Packet \1020_City Council_12_5_ 2011\ 0004_ 2_ alaOfa8f- 6daf- 4c48- 9eb9- ce8ad08b5460.xlsx <br />