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yI[aDL -6.1 OMMEiQfE <br />Committee Members <br />present: Mayor Stephen Cassidy, Councilmembers Jim Prola and Ursula <br />Reed (arrived at 4:38 p.m.) <br />City Staff present: Rayan Fowler, Information Services Manager; Marian Handa, City <br />Clerk; Tom Liao, Planning and Housing Manager; Lianne Marshall, <br />Interim City Manager; Kathy Ornelas, Community Relations <br />Representative; Richard Pio Roda, Assistant City Attorney; Luke <br />Sims, Community Development Director; Sandra Spagnoli, Chief of <br />Police <br />Public present: Chris Crow <br />Mayor Cassidy called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. <br />Continued Discussion Regarding Paperless Council and Committee Agenda <br />Packets <br />Ms. Fowler reviewed the paperless agenda proposal, which was revised to include <br />additional information and options requested by the Committee at its last meeting. The <br />proposal provided information on cities that have implemented paperless agenda <br />packets; voluntary participation by Councilmembers and staff; various hardware options; <br />and proposed expansion of Wi -Fi availability at the Civic Center. If the Council wished to <br />proceed with implementing a paperless agenda packet, staff recommends purchasing <br />iPads with 3G functionality. Councilmembers could pay for the 3G service with their <br />technology allowance; 3G service for City staff would need to be justified if paid by the <br />City. (Councilmember Reed arrived during the presentation.) At Mayor Cassidy's <br />request, Ms. Fowler reported on the funding source for the project, and also mentioned <br />the availability of a possible $3,000 mini -grant from <br />Councilmember Prola thanked staff for making the implementation voluntary, and <br />expressed willingness to pick up his paper agenda packet from City Hall. <br />Councilmember Reed remarked that she likes the optional approach to implementation, <br />and it is nice to have both the Wi -Fi and 3G options, although 3G service is costly. <br />Mayor Cassidy asked about using laptops rather than iPads for the members who have <br />them. He suggested looking into password protection for the Wi -Fi at City Hall, and <br />having clear standards and establishing necessity for employees' City -paid iPads and 3G <br />service. Mayor Cassidy noted that iPads are regarded by many as being a luxury item, <br />and stated that he does not feel it is necessary for Councilmembers to have City -paid 3G <br />service in addition to City - provided phones with 3G at this point. <br />The Committee discussed the initial implementation of the paperless agenda proposal. <br />Public Comments: <br />Chris Crow questioned why iPads were being recommended over less expensive tablet <br />devices, and asked if any research has been done on the compatibility of iPads with <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/29/2011 <br />