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File Number: 11 -345 <br />land use designations in the General Plan and the Project site will have sufficient capacity <br />for public services required for the increase in density. In addition, the proposed <br />amendments are consistent with the following policies of the General Plan: <br />Policy 2.05: Alterations, Additions and Infill <br />Ensure that alterations, additions and infill development are compatible with existing <br />homes and maintain aesthetically pleasing neighborhoods. <br />Policy 3.01: Mix of Unit Types <br />Encourage a mix of residential development types in the City, including single - family <br />homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live -work units, <br />planned unit developments and multi - family housing. <br />Policy 3.04: Promotion of Infill <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential areas. <br />Policy 13.04: Transit - Oriented Development <br />Ensure that properties adjacent to City's BART stations and along heavily used public <br />transit routes are developed in a way that maximizes the potential for transit use. <br />Such development should be of particularly high quality, include open space and <br />other amenities, and respect the scale and character of nearby neighborhoods. <br />b. The proposed rezone is internally consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance <br />since the rezone meets the requirements and standards of the Zoning Ordinance and the <br />procedural requirements of Article 27 ( "Amendments ") <br />c. The proposed rezone furthers and is reasonably related to the public health, <br />safety, and welfare in that the Project will provide 66 additional housing units to the City's <br />existing housing stock. <br />Section 2 Adoption of the Zoning Map Amendment Based on the entirety of the record, as <br />described above, the Property described as 2450 Washington Avenue, Assessor's Parcel <br />Numbers 77D- 1410 -25 and 77- 556 -104 is hereby reclassified from its current designation on <br />the Zoning Map of Professional with an Assembly Use overlay "P (AU)" to Residential <br />Multi - Family with a Planned Development overlay "RM- 1800(PD)" and the City of San <br />Leandro Official Zoning Map is hereby amended as shown on Exhibit A , attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by this reference, and filed in the office of the City Clerk on November <br />21, 2011. <br />Section 3 Findings for the Development Agreement On the basis of the foregoing Recitals <br />which are incorporated herein, the City of San Leandro General Plan, the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration, the Agenda Statement, and on the basis of the specific conclusions set forth <br />below, the City Council finds and determines that: <br />a. The Development Agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general <br />land uses and programs specified and contained in the City's General Plan (as proposed for <br />amendment) land use designation for the site as High Density Residential, the Project is also <br />consistent with the fiscal policies of the General Plan with respect to the provision of <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 11/29/2011 <br />