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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2011 -12 <br />Business Improvement District Overview <br />In FY 2008 -09, the City Council re- established the BID for another five year period, as <br />previously explained in this report. The BID is a levied benefit assessment on businesses within <br />the BID Area, the proceeds of which shall be used for the public purposes benefits the businesses <br />in the BID, pursuant to the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989 Section 36500 <br />et seq. of Division 18 of the California Streets and Highways Code. All of the assessments <br />imposed by the BID Ordinance shall be reviewed by the City Council annually based upon the <br />annual reports prepared by the advisory board appointed pursuant to Sections 36530 and 36533 <br />of the California Streets and Highways Code. Pursuant to Section 36533(c), the City Council <br />may approve the report as filed by the advisory board or may modify any particular contained in <br />the report and approve it as modified. <br />In previous years prior to the economic recession the BID typically generated between $135,000 <br />to $145,000 for LINKS operations and administrative costs. This amount has been reduced the <br />last two years to approximately $120,000. The decline in revenue has made it necessary to raise <br />the BID rates. <br />As part of the BID process, the City Council has appointed two City staff designees and three to <br />five business representatives to serve on the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement <br />District Advisory Board (Advisory Board) to review the performance of the LINKS, the specific <br />program supported by the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District. <br />The five- to seven - member Advisory Board appointed by the San Leandro City Council includes <br />the City's Engineering and Transportation Director and the Director of Finance (or their <br />designees) along with three to five business representatives of businesses within the BID and <br />paying the BID assessment. The business members appointed to the Advisory Board are Dora <br />Wong of Coca Cola Bottling Company, Geza Paulovitz of Eric F. Anderson, Inc., Joyce Lee, <br />The North Face, and Alexandra Munoz, Peterson Companies. The Advisory Board's duties <br />include a review of the performance of LINKS for FY 2010 -11, and a review of the budget and a <br />recommendation for BID assessments for FY 2011 -12. <br />Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Assessment <br />With respect to the BID assessment for FY 2011 -12, the Advisory Board recommends that the <br />San Leandro City Council adopt a BID assessment which is adjusted by the Consumer Price <br />Index (CPI), 1.4 percent. This would result in the BID Base Rate increasing to $25.35 from <br />$25.00, and the BID Rate Per Employee increasing to $11.03 from $10.88. Businesses with five <br />or fewer employees, landlords, and non - profits would remain exempt from the BID. <br />EXHIBIT A — Ridership Statistics <br />EXHIBIT B — Route Map <br />71Page <br />