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File Number: 11 -382 <br />over the Alameda County Flood Control canal located immediately south of Marina Park. <br />Analysis <br />Bridge 33CO134 is routinely inspected by Caltrans. Recent inspections indicated that <br />preventative maintenance in the form of rip rap repair, concrete soffit repair, and deck <br />sealing are needed to extend the life of this bridge. <br />The City has a capital improvement project for Bridge Maintenance and Repair that is <br />intended to address Bridge 33CO134 and two other bridges: San Leandro Boulevard at San <br />Leandro Creek (Bridge 33C0080) and Wicks Boulevard at an Alameda County Flood Control <br />canal (Bridge 33CO207). <br />Program Supplement 020 -N will allow the City to use grant money for the design of the <br />repairs needed at Bridge 33C0134. The budget for this activity is $50,000, with $5,735 or <br />11.47% being funded by the City, and the remainder funded by the grant. The program <br />supplement specifies that the City will follow certain Caltrans procedures during the design, <br />bid, and construction of the project and sets timeframes for submitting notifications and <br />invoices. These terms are customary and City staff can comply with these terms. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Maintain and enhance the City's infrastructure. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />16.03 Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that streets <br />operate safely and efficiently. <br />Environmental Review <br />The City has determined that this project is exempt from CEQA per section 15302(c), which <br />authorizes work on existing facilities with no expansion in capacity. <br />Caltrans will be performing an environmental review of the work on Bridge 33CO134 during <br />the design phase that is authorized by the attached resolution. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Signs will be posted at the site approximately two weeks prior to construction. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The entire Bridge Maintenance and Repair project will cost $973,652, funded as follows: <br />Monarch Bay Drive Bridge 33CO134: Federal funds $730,372 <br />Local funds $ 94,628 <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/29/2011 <br />