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Inst 2011 Agmt Wm Mathews Inc
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Inst 2011 Agmt Wm Mathews Inc
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Last modified
12/13/2011 9:18:06 AM
Creation date
12/13/2011 9:17:43 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Development Agreement
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DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br /> THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ( "Development Agreement" or "Agreement ") is <br /> made and entered into as of December _, 2011 ( "Agreement Date ") by and between the CITY <br /> OF SAN LEANDRO, a California Charter City organized and existing under the laws of the <br /> State of California ( "City "), and Wm. Mathews, Inc., a California corporation ( "Developer "). <br /> City and Developer are referred to individually as "Party," and collectively as the "Parties." <br /> RECITALS <br /> This Agreement is entered upon the basis of the following facts, understandings and <br /> intentions of City and Developer. <br /> A. The lack of certainty in the approval of development projects can result in a waste <br /> of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other development, and discourage investment in <br /> and commitment to comprehensive planning that would make maximum efficient utilization of <br /> resources at the least economic cost to the public. <br /> B. In order to strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation <br /> in comprehensive planning and reduce the economic costs and risk of development, the <br /> Legislature of the State of California enacted Section 65864 et seq. of the Government Code (the <br /> "Development Agreement Legislation "), which authorizes City and a developer having a legal or <br /> equitable interest in real property to enter into a binding development agreement, establishing <br /> certain development rights in the property. <br /> C. Developer has a fee interest in certain real property consisting of approximately <br /> 2.85 acres located at the property commonly known as 2450 Washington Avenue in the City, as <br /> more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and as diagrammed in Exhibit B <br /> attached hereto (the "Property "). <br /> D. Developer intends to develop the Property as a residential apartment community <br /> of 66 dwelling units, together with certain accessory uses (defined more fully in Section 1.4, <br /> below, as the "Project "). <br /> E. The complexity, magnitude and long -range nature of the Project would be <br /> difficult for Developer to undertake if City had not determined, through this Development <br /> Agreement, to inject a sufficient degree of certainty in the land use regulatory process to justify <br /> the substantial financial investment associated with development of the Project. As a result of the <br /> execution of this Development Agreement, both Parties can be assured that the Project can <br /> proceed without disruption caused by a change in City planning and development policies and <br /> requirements, which assurance will thereby reduce the actual or perceived risk of planning, <br /> financing and proceeding with construction of the Project. <br /> F. City is desirous of advancing the socioeconomic interests of City and its residents <br /> by promoting the productive use of property and encouraging quality development and economic <br /> growth, thereby enhancing employment opportunities for residents and expanding City's property <br /> tax base. <br />
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