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EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AGREEMENT (1:1/1/2011) <br /> as requested by the EMS Director. <br /> c. Contractor shall participate with the County's Quality Improvement Plan and follow all <br /> EMS policies regarding quality improvement and provide appropriate data. <br /> SECTION 14. PENALTY PROVISIONS <br /> 14.1 Penalties described in this section shall not exceed to total annual FRALS funding, under this <br /> agreement. Penalties may be disputed as described in Section 14.7. <br /> 14.2 Response Time Penalty - Penalties shall be withheld by County from FRALS support funds. <br /> a. Contractor shall be penalized anytime Response Time compliance drops below 90% for <br /> any calendar month. Response Times for departments with low call volume (less than <br /> 100 calls per month) shall be evaluated when the Contractor has responded to 100 calls. <br /> Once the 100 call level is exceeded, the number of calls to achieve the 100 call threshold <br /> will start over in the next month. <br /> b. Calculating FRALS response time penalties: <br /> Compliance will be calculated based on combining the Echo, Delta, and Charlie levels <br /> of responses and all subareas (Metro /urban, Suburban /Rural, Wilderness). If <br /> compliance falls below ninety percent (90%) the subsidy will be reduced by 10% for <br /> the next month. • <br /> • Compliance for Contractors with low response volume (less than 100 calls per <br /> . month) will be determined by accumulating the monthly call volume until a total of <br /> 100 calls is exceeded. Failure of the Contractor to meet the 90% compliance level <br /> will result in a 10% reduction of the subsidy for a period equal to the number of <br /> months required to exceed the 100 call minimum. For example, if it takes a <br /> Contractor three months to respond to more than 100 calls, the penalty deduction <br /> will be applied to the next three subsidy payments. Once the 100 call level is <br /> exceeded, the number of calls to achieve the 100 call threshold will start over for the <br /> next calendar month. <br /> c. if FRALS calls are not categorized at the Contractor's dispatch center, compliance will be <br /> measured as if all calls are within the ECHO Category. <br /> d. If Response Time compliance drops below 90 %, a performance improvement plan <br /> must be submitted to the EMS Director with the monthly compliance report. The <br /> performance improvement plan must identify each problem that led to the delayed <br /> response and the steps being taken to correct each such problem. <br /> • <br /> Page 12 of 26 <br />