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EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AGREEMENT (11/1/2011) <br /> Used in this Agreement to refer to Alameda County Emergency Medical Services, a Division <br /> COUNTY EMS of the Public Health Department as part of the Health Care Services Agency, and designated <br /> as the Local EMS Agency for Alameda County. <br /> COUNTY EMS DIRECTOR The director of the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services, a Division of the Public <br /> Health Department, as part of the Health Care Services Agency. • <br /> COUNTY EMS MEDICAL The physician in the position of Medical Director for Alameda County Emergency Medical <br /> DIRECTOR Services, a Division of the Public Health Department, as part of the Health Care Services <br /> Agency. <br /> Policies and procedures issued by the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services that are <br /> COUNTY EMS POLICIES contained in the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Field Manual and /or <br /> Administration Manual, which may be revised from time to time. <br /> DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM The software and hardware used to collect, store and report on information from the <br /> provision of Services, which includes the Patient Care Reports. <br /> DELTA CALL A 911 call designated by a Medical Dispatch Center as a Delta call based on use of the <br /> Medical Priority Dispatch System. <br /> DISASTER An occurrence of a natural catastrophe, technological accident, or human caused event that <br /> has resulted in severeproperty damage, deaths, and /or multipleinjuries." <br /> ECHO CALL A 911 call designated by a Medical Dispatch Center as an Echo call (non- breathing and /or <br /> ineffective breathing) based on use of the Medical Priority Dispatch System. <br /> EMSA Emergency Medical Services Authority of the State of California. <br /> EMT Emergency Medical Technician. <br /> ERZ Emergency Response Zone, as depicted in EXHIBIT A - DEPICTION AND DEFINITION OF CONTRACTOR'S <br /> PRIMARY RESPONSE AREA. <br /> FEDERAL Refers to United States Federal Government, its departments and /or agencies. <br /> FIELD PERSONNEL Contractor's paramedics and EMT5 responsible for responding to 911 requests for <br /> emergency first responder services pursuant to this Agreement. <br /> A method of measuring data in which all applicable data are stacked in ascending order and <br /> PERCENTILE (PRACTICE) the total number is calculated as a percentage of the total number of calls. (e.g.: a 90th <br /> percentile standard is one where 90% of the applicable calls are answered within the <br /> response standard, while 10% take longer than the standard.) <br /> FIRST RESPONDER (AGENCY) Entities with an agreement with the County to provide first responder service to the scene <br /> of a medical emergency. <br /> FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED Contractor's provision of 911 emergency medical response and obligations as required by <br /> LIFE SUPPORT (FRALS) this Agreement and in accordance with EMS Policy. <br /> SERVICE(S) <br /> FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED Fire response vehicle staffed and equipped with a minimum of one California State licensed <br /> LIFE SUPPORT UNIT (FRALS) and Alameda County accredited paramedic, as defined in EMS policies, capable of providing <br /> ALS care at scenes of medical emergencies. <br /> INCIDENT LOCATION The destination address or location of the patient to which the FRALS is dispatched. <br /> LEMSA Local Emergency Medical Services Agency, as defined in California Health and Safety Code, <br /> Division 2.5, §1797.94. <br /> iii <br />