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EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AGREEMENT (11/1/2011) <br /> a. Contractor's Response Times shall be calculated on a monthly basis for reporting <br /> purposes to determine compliance using Percentile (Fractile) Response Time <br /> measurements. Response Times for departments with low call volume (less than 100 <br /> calls per month) shall be calculated once the Contractor has responded to 100 calls. <br /> b. Contractor's Response Time for Services in the Primary Service Area shall meet the <br /> requirements in Table A. Contractor shall be assessed a penalty if Response Time <br /> compliance falls below 90%. <br /> c. Contractors not using MPDS shall respond to all calls using the ECHO Response Times.. <br /> d. It is the goal of the County to improve response times for high acuity patients. The <br /> County will monitor response time data for the first six months of the agreement, and if <br /> all municipal departments are consistently meeting a shorter response time, this <br /> agreement will be reopened for renegotiation of response time requirements. <br /> 'MPDSCATEGORY: Metro /Urban Suburban /Rural Wilderness <br /> ECHO ' - 08:30 min. 08:30 min. 08:30 min. <br /> DELTA 08:30 min. 08:30 min. 08:30 min. <br /> •CHARLIE 08:30 min. 08:30 min. 08:30 min. <br /> • BRAVO 12:45 min. 12:45 min. 12:45 min. <br /> ALPHA • 12:45 min. 12:45 min. 12:45 min. <br /> TABLE A - PERSONNEL AND RESPONSE TIME REQUIREMENTS <br /> 5.2 Response Time Measurement <br /> a. Response Time shall be measured in minutes and integer (whole) seconds from the time <br /> the call is received by Contractor from the Medical Dispatch Center until arrival at the <br /> Incident Location by the FRALS, or until the call is cancelled by a public safety agency or <br /> Medical Dispatch Center. <br /> b. Contractor's FRALSs shall report on -scene time or staging location time to its dispatch <br /> center immediately upon arrival at the scene /staging location. <br /> 5.3 Calculating Changes in Call Priority <br /> a. Upgrades - If an assignment is upgraded prior to the Arrival at Incident of the FRALS <br /> (e.g. from a Charlie to Delta), Contractor's compliance and fines shall be calculated based <br /> on the shorter of: <br /> • Time elapsed from dispatch to time of upgrade plus the higher priority Response <br /> Time standard, or, <br /> • The lower priority Response Time standard. <br /> Page 4 of 26 <br />