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• Programs to Address the Social and Emotional Needs of Students <br />• Implemented a new off - campus instructional program at the Lincoln <br />Alternative Education Center (ACE) <br />• Added two parent liaisons who work with families to provide support <br />for their students and parent training (using grant funds) <br />• Hired a gang prevention parent liaison to work with students and <br />families (violence prevention grant) <br />• Hired two mental health professionals to conduct needs assessment <br />and work with students and families to provide services (funds <br />provided by County of Alameda) <br />• Currently working on writing a Community -based Health Center grant <br />Additionally, Superintendent Cathey stated that one area that remains on <br />the top of her list includes meeting with local businesses to develop a <br />partnership to support students being in class on time, every day. A <br />discussion ensued on how the City might help organize such a conversation. <br />It was also noted that at this point in time, the District is not planning to use <br />metal detectors, drug sniffing dogs, nor will they eliminate the use of student <br />backpacks. <br />Student Resource Officer Louie Brandt provided an update on the school <br />climate since late September, and the implementation of a Diversion <br />Program at San Leandro High. He felt that since September there have been <br />very few fights, vandalism is down, and there was not one incident during <br />Spirit Week, making it the "best Spirit Week he has experienced in his six <br />years working at the high school." He briefly described the Diversion <br />Program (recently implemented at the high school) where students, who <br />commit non - felony offenses come before a jury of their peers, who determine <br />the sanctions for each defendant including educational training programs <br />and classes, community service and mandatory counseling. <br />Superintendent Cathey added that during a meeting today with staff from <br />Supervisor Wilma Chan's office she learned that the District will have the <br />opportunity to participate in a program called YEP (Youth Employment <br />Program) which works with students who are on probation and /or foster <br />youth. They work with students to provide them with support and training <br />to prepare them for the work force and also help them get summer jobs. The <br />program comes with a near full time staff person. She is hoping to be able to <br />get started after winter break. A discussion ensured on the limited <br />communication between the probation department and school district <br />identifying those students who are on probation. The Mayor offered to send <br />a letter (drafted by the District) to the Juvenile District Attorney in support of <br />improved communication. <br />Sergeant Henderson also provided a brief update on the recent shooting at <br />the Alvarado Street Tattoo Party in the City (some of the attendees were high <br />3 <br />