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File Number: 11 -427 <br />to the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Project; <br />WHEREAS, Eden Surf has agreed to extend and increase the affordability <br />restrictions imposed by the Existing Regulatory Agreement; <br />WHEREAS, the terms and conditions for the New Loan are described in a proposed <br />Affordable Housing Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement "), a copy of which has been <br />provided to the City Council; <br />WHEREAS, Eden Surf and City staff have negotiated the terms of an Amended and <br />Restated Regulatory Agreement (the "Amended Regulatory Agreement "), a Secured <br />Promissory Note (the "Note ") to be executed by Eden Surf to evidence its obligation to repay <br />the New Loan, and a Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture <br />Filing (the "Deed of Trust ") pursuant to which the City will be provided a security interest in <br />the Project to secure repayment of the New Loan and compliance with the Amended <br />Regulatory Agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Loan is proposed to be funded with Sixty -Five Thousand Dollars <br />($65,000) from the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund (the "Housing Fund ") and <br />Thirty -Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000) in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />funds, contingent upon HUD approval of the Amendment to the FY 2011 -2012 Consolidated <br />Annual Action Plan. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />San Leandro that it hereby: <br />1. Finds that the transfer of the Property to Eden Surf and the provision of the New Loan in <br />accordance with the Loan Agreement will increase the availability of affordable housing in <br />the City and will facilitate the preservation of housing for low- and very low- income <br />households. <br />2. Finds that the provision of financial assistance in the amount of the New Loan is <br />necessary to make the Project financially feasible and affordable to low- and very <br />low- income households. <br />3. Approves the transfer of the Property to Eden Surf and the assignment of the <br />documents executed in connection with the Existing Loan to Eden Surf. <br />4. Approves the provision of the New Loan pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in <br />the Loan Agreement. <br />5. Approves the Loan Agreement, the Note, the Deed of Trust and the Amended Regulatory <br />Agreement, and authorizes the City Manager or designee to execute and deliver each such <br />document to which the City is a party substantially in the form on file with the City Clerk, with <br />such modifications as approved by the City Manager in consultation with the City Attorney. <br />6. Authorizes the City Manager or designee to execute and deliver such other documents <br />and to take such other actions as necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 111012012 <br />