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pursuant to section 400 of the Ciry Charter, Manager shall not be removed from the position of <br /> City Manager without cause during or within a period of ninety (90) days succeeding any regular <br /> or special municipal election held in the City at which election a member of the City Council is <br /> elected; the purpose of this provision is to allow any newly elected member of the City Council <br /> or a reorganized City Council to observe the actions and ability of Manager in the performance <br /> of the powers and duties as City Manager. <br /> 7. Compensation and Benefits <br /> a. Manager shall be paid an annual base salary of two hundred and twenty - <br /> three thousand dollars ($223,000.00). The Ciry Council may review Manager's performance and <br /> salary throughout the term of this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of this <br /> Agreement. Ciry Council may consider adjusting Manager's salary annually. Notwithstanding, <br /> Manager has agreed to voluntarily forego a salary adjustment (increase) during the first three (3) <br /> years of the employment with the City. <br /> b. In addition to the compensation provided above, the City agrees to <br /> provide the following to Manager in consideration for the services provided pursuant to this <br /> Agreement: <br /> (i) Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the Ciry shall <br /> provide Manager the same benefits as provided to management <br /> employees and as they may be amended from time to time. <br /> Benefits for Manager include, but are not limited to, twenty-five <br /> (25) days of annual vacation leave, twelve (12) days of annual sick <br /> leave, management incentive pay of 120 hours per calendar year <br /> paid equally at each pay period, holidays, health insurance, dental <br /> insurance, life insurance, management development allowance and <br /> retirement benefits and payments, as more particularly set forth in <br /> this Agreement. <br /> (il) Manager shall be eligible for Ca1PERS retirement benefits upon <br /> the same terms as those benefits are provided for City employees <br /> covered by the Local Miscellaneous Members group classification <br /> for purposes of Ca1PERS. Pursuant to this Agreement, <br /> Manager agrees to voluntarily reimburse or otherwise make <br /> payment to the City in the total amount currently paid by the <br /> City as the employee share of Ca1PERS benefits (employer <br /> paid member contributions — EPMC) for employees covered <br /> by the Local Miscellaneous group classification. Manager <br /> shall make such voluntary payments, until such time as a <br /> resolution of the City Council is adopted to amend the City's <br /> CaIPERS plan, as appropriate, to authorize Manager to pay <br /> the EPMC. <br /> (iii) Within fifteen (15) days of the effective date of this Agreement, <br /> City shall pay Manager a one- time lump sum payment of sixteen <br /> Agreement for Employment of City Manager <br /> Between the City of San Leandro and Chris Zapata <br /> Page 4 of 7 <br />