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Audit Information <br />Fiscal Year 2011 <br />Was the Report Prepared from Audited Financial Data, <br />and Did You Submit a Copy of the Audit? <br />Indicate Financial Audit Opinion <br />If Financial Audit is not yet Completed, What is the <br />Expected Completion Date? <br />If the Audit Opinion was Other than Unqualified, State <br />Briefly the Reason Given <br />Was a Compliance Audit Performed in Accordance with <br />Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 and the State <br />Controller's Guidelines for Compliance Audits, and Did <br />You Submit a Copy of the Audit? <br />Indicate Compliance Audit Opinion <br />If Compliance Audit is not yet Completed, What is the <br />Expected Completion Date? <br />Yes <br />Unqualified <br />i <br />r - -- - - - -- Yes <br />Fun quaIifie <br />Audit Information Page 1 12/15/2011 <br />If compliance opinion includes exceptions, <br />state the areas of non - compliance, and <br />describe the agency's efforts to correct. <br />