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Of KA"N <br />Achievement Information (Unaudited) <br />and clean -tech business locations. <br />e Redevelopment Agency continued to assist the Chamber of Commerce with <br />:ir business development programs. The Agency sponsored the Chamber's San <br />andro by Design events, an initiative to engage the community in dialogue <br />ated to the future of our City, their community fair, and supported enhancement <br />their website. <br />The Redevelopment Agency sponsored a Global Access Forum on May 20th <br />which was attended by approximately 100 business and municipal leaders from <br />throughout the Bay Area. The Forum brought together professionals from Ex -Im <br />Bank, the Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce <br />to educate local companies on how to export goods and services to foreign <br />markets. <br />Plaza Project Area <br />The Agency assisted the owners of the historic Best Building on East 14th Street <br />with improvements to the building's signature clock, using funds from the <br />Commercial Rehabilitation Program. <br />o under the Commercial Rehabilitation Program, the Agency supported a <br />ject at the Liberty Tax building on East 14th Street. The project involved new <br />nt and window improvements that restored and highlighted the art -deco <br />ments of the building's design. <br />Implementation of Downtown San Leandro's "We Are San Leandro" marketing <br />campaign continued. Four new people postcards, spotlighting some of the key <br />players in Downtown, were distributed to hundreds of potential retail tenants and <br />real estate professionals. Staff continued targeted outreach to numerous potential <br />retail tenants and tabled at ICSC events to promote opportunities in Downtown <br />San Leandro. <br />Agency staff served on the Downtown Association board and the Agency assisted <br />the Downtown Association in holding the 11th annual Sausage & Suds event on <br />October 3, 2010, the second annual "It's a Wonderful Night" holiday celebration in <br />the new Joaquin Plaza on December 3, 2010, the second annual Bike SL event on <br />June 12, 2011 These events brought thousands of people downtown for <br />entertainment, activities and dining. <br />Achievement Information (Unaudited) Page 2 12/15/2011 <br />