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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 2 CITY MANAGER <br />Chapter 6 Regulation of Social Media Use <br />EXHIBIT B <br />§2.6.100: ADOPTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE POLICIES. The City Manager is <br />authorized to establish and implement rules and procedures governing departmental use of Social <br />Media. Social Media refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction and content <br />creation. These rules and procedures may include the acceptable use of the Communication <br />Systems used to access Social Media websites and related websites, limitations on privacy, <br />prohibition on certain uses, and restrictions on activities that would compromise other City policies. <br />As Electronic Communication Systems and Social Media develops and changes, the City <br />Manager is authorized to modify those written policies to accurately reflect the changing <br />communication practices and mediums. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: City Manager's Office Chapter 2.6 <br />12 /2011 - -Draft Page 1 <br />