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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 10 HUMAN RESOURCES <br />EXHIBIT C <br />Chapter 6 Policy Governing Use of Computer Systems, E -Mail and Information <br />Security <br />c. No User shall attempt to disguise the origin of any E -Mail, unless authorized by <br />the Chief of Police for a criminal investigation. <br />d. E -Mail messages located in an User's Inbox, Sent Items and Deleted Items folders <br />will be automatically deleted by Information Technology from all computer <br />devices and systems on the 120 day after sending or receipt, whether deleted by <br />the User or not. All email will be archived and retained for 24 months. <br />e. E -Mail messages that must be retained in accordance with the City's Records <br />Retention Schedule or by law should be moved to a User's Outlook Cabinet or <br />saved and placed in the appropriate subject file, either electronically or in hard <br />copy. <br />(2) Use. <br />a. City employees and public officials are responsible for the care, security and <br />appropriate use of City computer systems and any related equipment. <br />Inappropriate uses may include, but are not limited to, obscenity, harassment, <br />slander, defamation, commercial or for - profit activities, and political or campaign <br />activities. <br />b. City computer systems are for use by employees, public officials, and City <br />Manager designated persons only. Contractors, vendors and other non -City users <br />may be granted access to City computer systems with approval from the <br />Information Services Manager. Contractors, volunteers, and other non -City users <br />accessing the City of San Leandro's computer systems are subject to the same <br />policies and guidelines as any City employee or public official. <br />c. City computer hardware and software will be installed, configured and supported <br />by the City Manager's Office, Information Technology Division only. <br />d. All Users shall respect copyright and license agreements and shall not distribute <br />or download programs or materials without the legal right to do so. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: City Manager's Office Chapter 10.6 <br />12 /2011 - -Draft Page 2 <br />