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COUNCIL,MEMBERS HANDBOOK APPENDIX G <br />DRAFT <br />Brown Act when using any Electronic Communication System as a communication tool between <br />other Council Members. <br />The City considers every E -Mail to be a preliminary draft that is not to be retained in the <br />ordinary course of business. Any E -Mail message that is considered to be a public record should <br />be moved from the user's Outlook's Inbox, Sent Items, or Deleted items and retained in the <br />User's Outlook Cabinet or saved and placed in the appropriate subject file, either electronically <br />or in hard copy. <br />E -Mail messages located in an User's Inbox, Sent Items and Deleted Items folders will be <br />automatically deleted by Information Technology from all computer devices and systems on the <br />120 day after sending or receipt, whether deleted by the User or not. All email will be archived <br />and retained for 24 months. <br />The City's E -Mail and communications systems may not contain offensive, abusive, threatening <br />or obscene language or graphics. <br />E -Mail messages or information which are in conflict with applicable law or City policies, rules <br />or procedures are prohibited. <br />Exemption from Disclosure <br />The disclosure or exemption from disclosure of "public records" (which generally means any <br />writing, whether electronic or paper, that contains information relating to the conduct of the <br />public's business) is governed by the California Public Records Act and its exemptions (Gov't. <br />Code §§ 6250 et seq.). It is City policy to exempt from disclosure all records that may be <br />exempted pursuant to specific provisions of the California Public Records Act, unless <br />specifically waived by the City Council, or City Manager. <br />Protect Confidential Information <br />Users shall treat all information as "confidential" if there is any possibility that the information <br />could be considered personal (such as personnel or medical records), exempt from disclosure <br />under the California Public Records Act or private (such as proprietary or financial information <br />received from a third party), or if it could potentially expose the City to liability. If you are <br />sending a confidential E -Mail, the following notice is recommended at the end of the email. <br />CONFIDENTIALLY NOTICE: This electronic mail message and any accompanying <br />documents are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain CONFIDENTIAL <br />and /or PRIVILEGED information. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, use, or <br />the taking of any action in reliance upon this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive <br />this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e -mail or by phone and destroy <br />all copies of the original message and any attachments. <br />